Electronics Forum: time out while homing (Page 1 of 51)

SMT tact time

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 26 13:20:56 EDT 2004 | pjc

Machine design plays a major factor in actual placement rate vs. the published tact time max speed. For example, random access horizontal turret head machines can vary greatly depending on nr. of different components and size ranges, while the dual g

Re: Check out a new Q

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 12 04:40:03 EST 1998 | Galen

| Scott - Good to see things are going well for you. With regard to your comments, Quad has introduced a complete line of Semi-conductor/APT machines (Q Series) that support both SMT and Semi-conductor applications. The machines were introduced in

Time to get out

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 21 00:01:46 EST 2002 | jbutile

Can anyone give me a good reason to stay in this industry. I really do not want to be the last one in this forum while I see all my friends move on to other jobs, reasonable pay and security. From all I can tell it is over, there is nothing left to

Solder Paste Dry out

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 08:56:38 EST 2008 | tonyamenson

I talked to a solder paste chemsist and found out a few things. From above (Dave F) states a test for solder paste involving reflow on a non-wettable surface. Commonly known as the solder ball test this test is performed all the time by paste manufa

Reflow for the first time

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 14 10:25:04 EST 2017 | swag

Pre-heat, pre-heat, pre-heat! Swap out your acetylene with some propane. Problem solved. Throw a potato in your solder pot while your at it...

printed solder paste life time

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 07 08:46:08 EST 2018 | spoiltforchoice

Your paste should specify a number of times it is OK for various things to happen. The two you might care about are the "Stencil Time"/"Working life", which is how long the paste can be out of the pot on your stencil while you print PCBs. The othe

First time with reflow oven....

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 22:59:33 EST 2003 | davef

As others have stated, there are a few other things in the aveage assembly shop that are much more scary that a reflow oven. For instance, we have a wonderful wave soldering machine and w've been doing that kind of stuff for tens of years, but every

First time Pick and Place Machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 17 15:35:09 EDT 2017 | svfeingold

Evtimov, I thank you for your response. I posted a thread about this on EEVBlog but there is less experience there for this type of equipment it would seem. If your interested there's a lot more detail about what I'm after: http://www.eevblog.com/for

Profiling - suspect flux burn out before reflow trouble shooting

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 04 00:36:25 EDT 2008 | shrek

Try a linear, very flat ramp rate on the order of 0.5 degrees celcius per second. I know this is hard to accomplish with a five zone, but try to lower the first couple of zones (the preheat zone), and then spike to reflow aggressively during your la

How is cycle time of SMT line (Chip shooter for ex) determined?

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 23:33:08 EST 2005 | darby

If the machine is on it's way..... Question is 1. What if the machine is on its way / remote site...and need to estimate (say 90-95%) probability ? A1. 1 x 8 hour shift 65% x 1 of software estimate or stop watch estimate run on same machine in a dr

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SMT Machines

High Throughput Reflow Oven
Void Free Reflow Soldering

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