Electronics Forum: tin silver lead (Page 1 of 120)

Solder Paste with/without silver

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 18 18:39:15 EDT 2001 | davef

Responding to your questions ... RELIABILITY OF 1% SILVER SOLDER PASTE: It�s as good as the next solder paste, all other things the same. Look at your back articles by Jennie Hang in SMT magazine. I want to say she wrote an article on the topic i

2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 08:08:33 EDT 1999 | Rob Palson

We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have to bu

Immersion silver leaching.

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 07 09:23:20 EDT 2004 | davef

In addition to your concerns about leaching, why aren't you concerned about: * Tin whiskers * Total absence of in use reliability information about no-lead, especially given that creep is significantly different between SnPb and no-leads. While they

Immersion silver leaching.

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 09 20:28:14 EDT 2004 | Ken

I have experience in this. My company offers Lead free SMT and Wave soldering. I have processed ImSn, ImAg, Enig, OSP in both smt and wave. Yes, silver leaching will occur. Yes, copper leaching will occur. High tin content solders disolve everyt

Re: 2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 02:38:41 EDT 1999 | Brian Sloth Bentzen

| We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have to

Re: 2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 08:21:47 EDT 1999 | Terry Keen

| We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have to

Re: 2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 09:45:34 EDT 1999 | Terry Keen

| | We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have t

Re: 2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 11:07:53 EDT 1999 | Vic Lau

| | We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have t

Re: 2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 17:44:29 EDT 1999 | Christopher Lampron

| We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have to

Re: 2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 02:45:31 EDT 1999 | Brian Sloth Bentzen

| | We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have t

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