Electronics Forum: toe-down (Page 1 of 1)

What is 'toe down configuration' IPC-A-610D?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 08:36:23 EDT 2007 | davef

IPC-A-610D refers to 'toe down configuration' several times, beyond the that you question. Although none will add to your understanding of 'toe down'. A lead that is 'toe down' is one where the foot of the lead is not parallel to the pad. T

What is 'toe down configuration' IPC-A-610D?

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 20:54:09 EDT 2007 | raychamp007

Dear Friend, Can any one explain what is 'toe down configuration' stated in IPC-A-610D? Can any one here to explain in more details. Thanks

What is 'toe down configuration' IPC-A-610D?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 08:16:19 EDT 2007 | davef

Toe down solution: * Land pattern design * Solder stencil design * Proper component fabrication Normal gull wing lead solder requirement: Solder must extend to the mid-point of the outside of the lead bend.

Toe down configuration

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 09:27:49 EDT 2011 | rdouglass

Has anyone come across any good visuals for the solderability requirements for component leads with toe-down configuration? IPC-A-610 does not have any visual aids for this category and our inspectors are having a difficult time assessing based sole

What is 'toe down configuration' IPC-A-610D?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 00:25:25 EDT 2007 | raychamp007

Thanks davef! We found some SOIC & QFP with all leads having toe down problem. The heel fillet unable extend to the mid point outside bend. Do you have solutions for the problem? I have a question: How about the normal gull wing lead which is flat &

Toe down configuration

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 11 15:30:52 EDT 2011 | dmiller

Take a picture of one that just barely meets specs. Take a photo of this, either under a scope or with one of those USB scopes. Then use the photo for whatever instructions you provide to the operators.

Toe down configuration

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 31 10:06:51 EDT 2011 | davef

Try the NASA Workmanship Standards Inspectors Pictorial Reference document: http://workmanship.nasa.gov/lib/insp/2%20books/frameset.html Look at Section 7.08 SURFACE MOUNT TECHNOLOGY (SMT) BUTT "I" LEADED PACKAGES

What is 'toe down configuration' IPC-A-610D?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 01:35:13 EDT 2007 | Haris

IPC-A-610D is a Acceptability of the Electronic assemblies so all your questions depends on the product classes either 1,2,or 3 and it is given in this standard about the acceptablity criteria of the soldering of any type of the components i.e. it h

Double-sided reflow with a Altera 240-pin RQFP

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 30 10:02:37 EDT 2003 | Steve Gregory

Hi Russ! An "R" QFP is what Altera calls their Plastic Quad Flatpacks that have a heatsink in the top...they actually call them Power Quad Flatpacks. I'm familiar with the formula, of how one can figure out if there's enough surface tension for a p


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