Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 22:43:36 EST 1999 | dean
| Does anyone know of a contract manufacturing house that can guarantee smt component placement and can verify placement of +/-.015? | | Thanks in advance | Question: mm, inches, or mils? I can do it. However, what is your reliability level? 9
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 15:15:17 EST 1999 | twinston
Does anyone know of a contract manufacturing house that can guarantee smt component placement and can verify placement of +/-.015? Thanks in advance
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 09:33:40 EDT 2000 | Sal
Guys Just completed a PI build. And for the first time found that some chip components are skewing. The board is approximately 8x8inches and is six layer double sided FR4. To minimise and eradicate solder balling all the chip components have been co
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 11:49:29 EDT 2000 | Big H
Is it just like that "smart" golf ball - where you tell it, "stop!!! stop!!!" ....or "go further!" go further! So this smart solder, you can tell it "don't skip!! don't skew!!"
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 10:00:08 EDT 2000 | Chrys Shea
Yeah, them soldering machines sure got some demons in them...My waves used to get blamed for wrong polarities all the time. Sneaky little devils used to pull components out of the boards, flip them around, and get the pins back in the holes while
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 11:27:27 EDT 2000 | Super K
Chrys and C.K. (or Little K from what I'm told), Where "I" work at, our fine management staff has informed us of "Smart Solder"! Not sure who makes it, but they claim it will make all your soldering problems go away. I'll send ya more info on it
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 09:36:58 EDT 2000 | C.K.
Chrys: Funny that you mention that, but here at my company, our oven is blamed on almost everything: skewing, tombstoning, solder shorts, etc.... In fact, we often have to tell the supervisors, "It's not the oven because we don't turn the skewing
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 12:06:10 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko
Hi Sal, I assume your homeplates are designed with the peaks towards the componentcenter. I can imagine that due to placement inaccuracy not both sides sit in the same amount of paste and that wetting difficulties prevent same force factors for both
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 11:42:29 EDT 2000 | Chrys Shea
Sal, Silly question: Were the parts skewed before they went into the oven? I've chased down a few similar reflow problems in my lifetime, only to find out it was a pick and place problem. Wrong nozzle size, bad nozzle, feeder not advancing all
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 12 18:06:38 EST 2004 | Kris
Hi, Is there any standard for voids in a leaded device or a chip component ? IPC 7095 lists maximum allowable voiding for BGA devices but has no information on leaded devices Appreciate your help- thanks