Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 21:19:38 EDT 2010 | mbclemens60
I have a customer that wants 5000 hrs to red rust. The steel is plated with chloride zinc (barrel plated) and a black chromate. They say a company in Taiwan has the technology, but can not deliver in a production setting. Does anyone know of a cost e
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 14 14:33:07 EST 2018 | pharasyn
We have an EKRA E-1 screen printer that operate with no problems for several months, then all of a sudden it will spend hours or days on the "referencing in progress" message. It's currently been stuck on this message for about 30 hours. Any ideas wh
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 17:03:10 EDT 2012 | burb1999
I would guess the FFX cable as metioned with the sensors inside the midas, that could of been damaged by a part or? Not a big deal to replace just remember how many turns the milar harness goes around. Also just loosen the rear screw there is a slo
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 18:38:54 EDT 2019 | researchmfg
Well, there may be a misunderstanding that people think the IMC layer grows the thicker the more strong soldering strength. Actually, the IMC layer can be grown and distributed evenly at the interface between Cu-based, Ni-based and Sn-solder will be
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 02 19:25:37 EDT 2005 | Thaqalain Mahdi
Tom Thanks for reply,u right I am dedicating more than enough time for upgrading and troubleshooting! How can I set back the speed to the lower ram, (100MHz)? Get a bigger and Faster hardrive, 7200 and 10,000 RPM will zip you along! (What these f
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 22 05:54:41 EDT 2015 | langkeauto2015
Hi, Tsvetan, sorry for your bad experience for Chinese brand PNP machine. For your doubt, pls refer to my comment:) Our pnp machine is special for led tube, led panel, led strip, RGB strip, and led display screen PCB, and real working speed feedbacke
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 21 14:33:43 EDT 2015 | tsvetan
Setting aside the shameless advertisement :) Can you define what is high speed? The real high speed P&P machines are done by Sony, Juki, Samsung, Siemens, Fuji. The Chinese p&p machines I saw are with low speed (less 30 000 cph by ISO) poor design,
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 17 01:30:18 EDT 2012 | bwjm
Hi, Recently i am faced with a challenge. How can a small manufacturing firm be able to have good production management (e.g. WIP tracking, progress of PCBA) without having sufficient cash to purchase sophisticated software? Excel do help in tracking
Electronics Forum | Thu May 07 23:02:35 EDT 2009 | cusackmusic
Bob has been very helpful so far. He was very reasonable on the price for the manual too. I think I'll have this thing in production by Monday Morning! So far I've replaced the 5V Power Supply, re-aligned the X and Y, and re-laminated the table to
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 05 17:44:47 EST 2017 | spoiltforchoice
Printer->Paste Inspection(which might be a feature of the printer)->High speed placer (for all the little parts)->Accurate Placer(for your BGA Processor,RAM,eMMC and big things that don't fit in the high speed)->Reflow oven->AOI->PCB stacker All of t