Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 22 15:10:57 EST 2020 | ilavu
Tom, There are two power supply in the machine. One on top of VME box and other behind power distribution panel. The voltage that you see and check at PDP is not from VME.
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 16:33:08 EDT 2013 | rway
I did not see the histogram image (didn't scroll down). My point about the flat metal surfaces is they should have a large white total under top-light with red filter. You should be able to distinguish between the two (fillets and no fillets). I k
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 14 12:11:00 EST 2002 | V.RAMANAND KINI
I am looking for a reflective coating on PCB. I have designed a PCB with SMT type side LEDs and Top LEDs. The light from these LEDs fall on to a lens profile on top of these and get mangnified and reaches the dashboard instrument's pointers. I tried
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 11 07:59:24 EDT 2017 | highmillr
Top plate is secure. No abnormal lights in I/O.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 15:51:56 EST 2022 | richardcargill
We have a BTU VIP70, but the traffic lights on top aren't connected anywhere. I've had a hunt around and can't find the appropriate connector inside, or where to connect them to. Does anyone know where these connect to please. Cheers
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 14:51:23 EDT 2011 | jaimebc
We are currently experiencing a high rate of false calls on our 0402 chips. Resistors for the most part. Has anybody out there found a setting where this false calls are minimized? We are using top red light, pattern inspection,color inspection ( wh
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 08:35:20 EST 2011 | bobpan
try this..... I think there is a coupling for the theta motor....make sure both set screws are tight.....maybe the theta is slipping. Make sure there are no bright lights shining into the machine....maybe even throw a dark cover over the top and try
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 06 18:23:01 EST 2001 | stefwitt
It has been done and I could set you up with some customers, who continue to place BGA's on the HS 180 successfully. In the GF editor you define the component as if it had leads around the perimeter. At the end of the editor you activate outline meas
Electronics Forum | Wed May 30 18:05:02 EDT 2007 | fredc
Chunks, Nozzle unfriendly? Maybe it should be called nozzle hostile. Depending on the machine and lighting a nozzle with a 1.8mm tube might work. In English units that would be a .072 OD with a .062 ID. The area such a nozzle would pick from is the 6
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 07:01:02 EST 2013 | ericrr
I can not believe this, We get back from Summer holidays turn on the first machine Juki KE750L goes to do a home and before the head moves, Error notice: rear feeder rise error, I go around the back, nothing out of place. but notice the receiver end