Electronics Forum: topside preheater (Page 1 of 12)

Re: Wave Solder Fixtures: Biting the dust FAST!

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 10:19:23 EDT 1998 | dave c

| Dave, | How thick are your PCBs? Do you have adequate topside preheat or are the bottom preheaters turned up to ensure proper filleting on the top side? | Rob Rob, The average PCB is .062". There is no topside preheaters on our machine

Immersion Gold (ENIG)

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 16 14:28:42 EDT 2005 | russ

What is your topside preheat temp? What is the lead to hole ratio for these problem parts? What type of flux?

Leaded and Lead-Free Wave Parameters

Electronics Forum | Thu May 22 14:44:10 EDT 2008 | samir

Does your top-side preheat NEED to be that high, and so high that you are exceeding the flux manufacturers' spec? If so, what is the reason? Top-side wetting? Are you measuring this temperature at the substrate or solder joint?

Best Selective wave?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 08 17:06:41 EDT 2012 | tombstonesmt

We have many Pillarhouse Jade Mark II's in our facility. Lately design engineers have taken a liking of huge ground planes in boards. Quite honestly with topside heaters some of these boards were impossible to solder. True you can preheat with the no

Re: pre-heat settings for wave solder - Hi Dave F !

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 21 23:47:28 EDT 2000 | gary

my topside preheat is 97 deg. C and my peak temp. is 230 deg. C with a duration of 4 secs. What would be my Delta ? I suppose 230 minus 97 is equal to 133 deg C...is that right? regards

Re: Wave Solder Fixtures: Biting the dust FAST!

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 16 15:45:28 EDT 1998 | Rob Fischer

| | Dave, | | How thick are your PCBs? Do you have adequate topside preheat or are the bottom preheaters turned up to ensure proper filleting on the top side? | | Rob | Rob, The average PCB is .062". There is no topside preheaters on our

Wave soldering profiling

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 12 10:39:48 EDT 2004 | Ron Herbert

Correct preheating of the assembly is critical. Check with your flux manufacturer regarding the recommended topside pcb temperature as it enters the first wave. It is important that this temperature be achieved without burning the flux on the bottom

No Clean Selective Solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 12:47:34 EDT 2002 | mzaboogie

Hi Patrick, We are using AIM 266-3. The topside preheat temp is approx 100 degrees C although we have played with that number both up and down. Raising the temp leaves a white residue, lowering the temp (below about 90 degrees) and the solder balls

Selective soldering pallets and solder balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 03 11:59:01 EST 2002 | slthomas

We haven't run a profile yet....probably because we're a-feared to. We can't do topside preheating here to any degree because we use an aluminum plate for aligning hundreds of top side through-hole components (pots, switches, buttons, LEDs) that te

No solder and solder bridge after Wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 20:51:16 EST 2005 | cangly

Morning Mike, We use Pb63/Sn37, Alpha Metal alloy. Solder pot is at 250 C. The profile of board after Preheat about 100 C, Lambda Wave about 220C (use both Lambda and Chip wave), DWell time 2.1s ~ 3s. Conveyor speed 1.5 in/min. We run by bare board a

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