Electronics Forum: topside temperature (Page 1 of 9)

Re: Wave soldering temperature

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 09 10:35:02 EST 1999 | WilDaly

Tim, I try to get 2-3 degrees C/sec (bottomside) rise on my boards through wavesolder. I like to get the topside to about 90-95 degrees C, but this is the optimum temp for the flux that I am using. To fast of a slope and you will burn your flux of

Pre heat temperature in Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 16 15:43:50 EST 2003 | patrickbruneel

Kev, I looked up records of various hollis machines with 3 preheat zones. and with progressive preheat temp. of 300 400 and 500 with a speed of 3.5ft/min the topside board temp was 120C before entering the wave. the preheat elements were infrared. W

Re: pre-heat settings for wave solder - Hi Dave F !

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 21 03:58:46 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Dave, how does that calculate when you consider a topside temperature of for example 120�C like mentioned for NC-flux a while ago and a pot temperature of 250�C ? Just wondering Wolfgang

BGA,s Storage

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 16:10:46 EST 2001 | davef

There is no doubt that we reflowed topside BGA on our wave solder machine. We run our wave pot at 450�F and that�s plenty hot enough to reflow solder on topside SMT components. When the solder balls on the BGA melt, the package is over 200�C, trust

Climatic Controlled Facilities

Electronics Forum | Mon May 31 19:20:50 EDT 1999 | Raeto Zryd

I have difficulty to convince my management to air-condition our manufacturing facilities. The room temperature fluxuates from 8 deg.C in the morning to 25 deg. C in the afternoon. The PCB topside temperatures in the reflow oven and wave soldering ma

Barrel fill with Pb Free Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 18 14:38:41 EST 2008 | easton

I think the BLT solder joints look very shiny for no-lead. We are getting very good top side solder with ours though. They look like this. - Gold Enig plating - Alpha EF-6100 Flux - SAC305 - Preheat topside temperatures at 110 to 120C

Wave soldering profiling

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 12 10:39:48 EDT 2004 | Ron Herbert

Correct preheating of the assembly is critical. Check with your flux manufacturer regarding the recommended topside pcb temperature as it enters the first wave. It is important that this temperature be achieved without burning the flux on the bottom

Re: Printed Circuit Board Material

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 16 11:12:42 EDT 2000 | NLykus

CEM 1 is a laminate base board material. The other boards in the experiment were manufactured using FR4 as the base board material. What I'm leaning towards is that the glass transition temperature "Tg". What do you think? Topside temperatures in

Re: Climatic Controlled Facilities

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 01 08:30:51 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| I have difficulty to convince my management to air-condition our manufacturing facilities. The room temperature fluxuates from 8 deg.C in the morning to 25 deg. C in the afternoon. The PCB topside temperatures in the reflow oven and wave soldering

Re: Climatic Controlled Facilities

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 03 18:53:27 EDT 1999 | Raeto Zryd

| | I have difficulty to convince my management to air-condition our manufacturing facilities. The room temperature fluxuates from 8 deg.C in the morning to 25 deg. C in the afternoon. The PCB topside temperatures in the reflow oven and wave solderin

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