Electronics Forum: touchdown flexjet universal (Page 1 of 4)

3rd party support for universal machines?

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 30 20:52:33 EDT 2023 | poly

I've got access to all the manuals. Alas my 7 spindle head (flexjet 3 on a gx11s) detects collisions when picking even when no nozzle is in the spindles and they aren't near anything. My other machine is working well.

GSM2 and FlexJet heads

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 11 21:19:51 EDT 2009 | fulldrawmike

we have both flexjet and flexhead, we also have the new inline 7 head on some genesis dual beams we just put into operation. If you have a choice in flexjet heads take the inline 7. The flexjet 09 head is very labor intensive, stay away from them, e

FLexJet pickup problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 19:39:58 EDT 2011 | jbaez1

Hi, have somebody out there experienced problems picking up passive components with flexjet head FJ7P?? Just 1 nozzle-spindle is failing, trying to pickup a resistor,cap or diode; I have already changed nozzle tip, nozzle adaptor including springs,va

GSM FlexJet z-safe sensor

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 19:15:36 EDT 2020 | dilogic

We have GSM2 with FlexJet heads (an older one). There are 7 sensor amplifiers (with LED indicators) for touchdown detection and one for z-safe detection which is of a different type (with numeric LED indicator). I can't find anywhere what the right n

Universal Genesis 11s nozzle collision even when no nozzle in sp

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 20 14:10:02 EST 2023 | ttheis

Check pin mirrors and the z touchdown sensors are responding correctly.

Feeder Calibration

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 12:28:08 EDT 2012 | jrcline43

Do you have or know of a procedure/manual for calibration on universal instruments HSC/Genesis/Flexjet feeders?

Universal GSM and 0402/0201 Placement

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 16:57:14 EST 2015 | dilogic

I doubt you will be able to get satisfactory results with 0201. 0402 is another story. When doing 0402 projects, we use only electric (MP) feeders and always at the same feeder slots (feeder teach done for each of them). MPF08 nozzle works fine. Also

FlexJet Head

Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 16:12:40 EDT 2006 | PWH

Hey you FlexJet users out there... We just bought a new Universal machine with a FlexJet head on it. Excellent machine. However, I'm still in the learning stage and having a little trouble with 0402's and 0603's (caps mostly but resisters as well)

Universal GSM Tray Feeder

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 19 11:08:16 EST 2000 | Steve

Hello All, I am evaluating placement m/c's and I have looked at the Universal Flexjet. However we will be using both taped components and components from tray. The tray loader Universal use is much cheaper that their PTIF shuttle system, however I a

Universal GSM Tray Feeder

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 19 11:02:26 EST 2000 | Steve

Hello All, I am evaluating placement m/c's and I have looked at the Universal Flexjet. However we will be using both taped components and components from tray. The tray loader Universal use is much cheaper that their PTIF shuttle system, however I a

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