Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 17:09:02 EDT 2017 | tomwd
Is the computer PSU located in BM4CB unit and get the 12v/5v voltages generated from 12v/5v box via the XP5/12v cable?
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 04:23:09 EDT 1999 | Brian
| | I am a new employee at a company that has had a large turnover of employees over the past year. I am working on a board (components on one side only), the engineer (he is also new ) wants to use an .035 pad with a .021 dia. hole, there are no via
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 11:01:08 EDT 2004 | PM
Get a hold of the "SMEMA FIDUCIAL MARK STANDARD" . It should answer all your fiducial questions. Like the other repliers, THANKS for your concerns about fiducials, they are SOOOOOOOOO important !!!!!!!!!!
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 07 13:58:01 EDT 2014 | patel_daxa29
Hi All, I have generated Pick and place file from ALtium designer.I put it on flash drive and it is plugged in MY-DATA. How do i access this file in TPSYS. I will appreciate any insight. Thank You
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 02 10:45:02 EST 2019 | tech1
Exactly how are you exporting it? You need to export it in TPsys format followed by Export PCB only
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 23 11:29:25 EDT 2009 | KP
Thanks. Placing the .pcb file in the spool dir worked. What about the layout file? I can manually create one and import that through tpsys but I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do that.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 21 20:23:57 EDT 2011 | sarason
My shareware program will generate a TPSys program from a Protel file, any thing from Autotrax to Altium Designer. You can download it from http://users.tpg.com.au/sarason/index.html The TPSys option is entered on the second tab dialog "Option" un
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 12:33:23 EST 2017 | vercek
Hello Jorge, Have you been able to complete your C# app? I manage to do so for TPSYS 3.2 which uses PostgreSQL database. I'm looking to do the same with TPSYS 2.4. I understand it doesn't use SQL database. I'm looking for the type of database it a
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 02 10:48:35 EDT 2016 | jnavarrete
Hi all, I am creating a c# application, and I'm trying to connect it with Tpsys, but I have some problems in the connection right now I can connect and import/export some packages but not all. The connection is by socket and to export I am using "Put
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 16:54:43 EDT 2009 | tech1
Or you can FTP them through your server, put them in the /home/tpsys/spool/ directory. the machine will automatically place them in the appropriate directory.
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