Electronics Forum: tpsys management (Page 1 of 1)

MY12 tpsys shutdown

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 10:34:52 EST 2005 | DannyJ

Ken, We have that same version of software and have never had this issue be a real problem. I can say that we have had the machine hang on shutdown after 8 hours of furious editing, but very few and far between. If you go to another virtual termi

How to connect to TpSys by socket?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 12:33:23 EST 2017 | vercek

Hello Jorge, Have you been able to complete your C# app? I manage to do so for TPSYS 3.2 which uses PostgreSQL database. I'm looking to do the same with TPSYS 2.4. I understand it doesn't use SQL database. I'm looking for the type of database it a

Mydata Users

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 15:46:47 EDT 2006 | JEM

Trying to convince management to buy TPSys 2.4 software upgrade for MY-12 and My15 machine. Currently running 2.2 ver. Any mydata user's out there explain how my company would benefit jumping from ver 2.2 to ver 2.4. I think the cost is $1200 per m

Mydata Management Explanations

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 09 05:42:43 EDT 2016 | jasltd

Hi folks, I'm looking for definitions on the categories from the Management reporting from MYData's (running My9 & MY19 machines TPSYS 2.4) I'd like to understand what the machine classifies into the following: Up time Active Time Run Time I"m buil


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