Electronics Forum: transition temperature gpo2 (Page 1 of 6)

Tg - Glass transition temperature

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 16:06:38 EST 2000 | Mike Naddra

Regarding glass transition , does anyone have expierance glass wiht transition temperature specification , such as what are the detrimental effects of exceeding the Tg , how long over the glass transition temperature ,if any , is acceptable. Tg of di

Re: Tg - Glass transition temperature

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 21 14:51:08 EST 2000 | Dave F

Mike: I�d hate to see you making design decisions, based solely on the discussion here, but that this would be an impetus to consult IPC-D-279, "Design Guidelines ... " and take a course on designing reliable boards. Werner Engelmaier (Engelmaier

Die temperature exceed Tg temperature

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 19 07:58:29 EST 2006 | ccgooi

Our company is assembly flip chip on flex, we have new design of flip chip which die temperature will increase until 145 degree C after test run the end product, however the Tg,glass transition temperature is 148. Will this case causing any reliabil

High temperature soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 14:34:14 EDT 1998 | Ed Holton

Looking for anyone who has experience with high temperature soldering. Need to determine why solder joints are failing. Thermocycling of unit is -40C to +140C, 30 minute dwell time, 10 sec. transition time Your help is appreciated Ed Holton Hella E

Re: High temperature soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 15:21:08 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Looking for anyone who has experience with high temperature soldering. Need to determine why solder joints are failing. Thermocycling of unit is -40C to +140C, 30 minute dwell time, 10 sec. transition time | Your help is appreciated | Ed Holton |

Re: High temperature soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 20:33:06 EDT 1998 | D.Lange

| Looking for anyone who has experience with high temperature soldering. Need to determine why solder joints are failing. Thermocycling of unit is -40C to +140C, 30 minute dwell time, 10 sec. transition time | Your help is appreciated | Ed Holton |

Rohs and non rohs components on a board

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 06:41:53 EST 2007 | pavel_murtishev

Good afternoon, You have to use lead paste since none-RoHS components won�t withstand elevated temperatures. Solder paste manufacturers offer a lot of transitional pastes designed specially for mixed process. Ask your paste supplier for transitional

DoE on post-reflow PCB - warp

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 17:22:27 EDT 2002 | Daan Terstegge

Tg = glass transition temperature, the temperature at which the glass-epoxy starts losing it's properties as a solid material. daan

High TG?

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 13 13:15:51 EST 2006 | CK the Flip

Tg, by definition is the glass transition temperature for materials. It's the temperature where your board goes from rigid to "rubbery". Not sure if a higher Tg would help prevent delam. One of the PCB experts of the forum might know this.

PCB bent due to mechanical force

Electronics Forum | Wed May 15 16:18:58 EDT 2019 | stephendo

Look up the glass transition temperature (Tg) for the PCB material. If you get the PCB above this temperature it will become quite soft. If it is a populated board remember to take any moisture sensitive devices on it into consideration.

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