Electronics Forum: transports (Page 1 of 23)

Ekra E4 transport problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 11 16:29:37 EDT 2015 | chris_jayconsystems_com

I have an Ekra E4 stencil machine. When I transport a pcb into the machine. It will stop in the machine about 3-4 inches from the opening and go through the clamping procedure, like the machine went through the transporting correctly. It does this ra

MYDATA MY15E:F-MOT-MSETDYN conveyor transport/1250: amplifier DC-link too high

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 00:08:31 EDT 2019 | mk15

hank you for the tips. MOT boards have already changed. The sensor on the conveyor responds. In service mode, the WIDTH MOTOR - OK, HOLD MOTOR - OK, SET CONVEYOR - OK, only error TRANSPORT - F-MOT-MSETDYN conveyor transport / 1250: amplifier DC-link

Replacement transport conveyor belts?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 13 13:23:34 EDT 2011 | kkay

We have multuiple pcb transport conveyors that use the 10mm wide flat green blets on either edge. Does anyone know of a kit to purchase where we could make our own or a company that supplies different sizes? Thanks

preparing Quad QSP 2+ for shipping need advice

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 07 10:16:00 EDT 2017 | tsvetan

1. Secure all linear bearings to not move during the transport 2. Wrap the machine completely with stretch folio to protect from dust and moisture 3. Attach shock sensor to it so when it arrive you can see if it was subject to harsh transport

splicing conveyor belting

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 07 12:40:57 EDT 2003 | ssnow

OEM no longer in existence. hard to find exact match. belt is flat and green. used for PCB transport.

Need Referbished Assembly Benches

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 11:48:16 EDT 2007 | erhard

For this type of equipment the transport costs will be a big part of the total investment. Where will you need the benches?

Replacement transport conveyor belts?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 14:45:20 EDT 2011 | cyber_wolf


Depaneling method

Electronics Forum | Fri May 13 19:25:50 EDT 2016 | saharhostnile


Soft rubber Support for PCBA

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 10:27:10 EST 2023 | tommy_magyar

Is this needed for storage inside production between work areas, transportation, or other purposes? Please ellaborate.

Dual Lane Conveyor for Siemens Machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 05:43:35 EDT 2006 | Bach Huss

Hi all, I am trying to evaluate the stability and practicality of the dual transport (conveyor) mode of the HS50. I would like to know the if there are people who have used this feature before. The objective of this evaluation is to test the feas

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