Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 15 21:16:44 EDT 2013 | Mike Konrad
The ICOM 5000 was made by Trek Industries. The company was purchased by Stoelting. I don't think they make or support these machines anymore. By the way, the correct formula for area is Length X Width X 2 (X 1.3 or 1.5 based on component geography)
Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 09:19:02 EDT 2019 | davef
http://www.nordsonselect.com. Accel: Cookson created Speedline after purchasing: MPM®, Electrovert®, Accel®, and Camalot®. In 2003, KPS Special Situations Fund II purchased Speedline from Cookson. In, 2007, Illinois Tool Works ITW acquired Speedlin
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