Electronics Forum: tri 3d aoi (Page 1 of 35)

Mirtec aoi

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 06 06:23:31 EST 2007 | clampron

Good Morning Roger, The Mirtec's can be adjusted to lower your false call rate. This can be done by reducing the matching percentage for each componnent but the result of this action is that the machine becomes less selective. If you lower them too

3d printing Quad feeder rollers

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 05 23:15:03 EST 2017 | teslalab2

Hi! I recently bought 33 of the worlds crappiest Quad feeders for dirt cheap. They all had bad tape peel rollers. So I decided to try and print replacement rollers from TPU. And, it actually works! here is the link to the cad files http://www.thingiv

VI technology 5k vs 5K 3d AOI( what are the improvements that they have made in the new 3d 5K AOI)

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 20 23:02:44 EDT 2016 | nipun92

We are trainee engineers doing research on the vi technology 5k and 5k 3d AOIs, we would like to know the advancements that they have made in the new 3d 5k AOI, and any setbacks if there are any.

AOI TR7500 OR TR7700?

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 30 14:32:05 EST 2022 | gui

Hi, I am looking for an AOI and I've been offered of two different AOI models from TRI (TR7500 SIII 3D from 2015 and TR7700 SIII 3D from 2018). Both have more or less the same price and I would to know which one is better. Thank you!

Inspection Tools

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 08 15:38:27 EDT 2022 | proceng1

Apologies, I misunderstood the question. We utilize everything from an eye loop to 3D AOI. It's more about the standard you are trying to maintain, and what device is needed to check for it.

Whats new in 3D AOI?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 22:59:46 EDT 2017 | navworx

Great posting. We're looking at AOI for the first time and are trying to understand the pros/cons of 2D, 2D+, and 3D. M, can you discuss what size parts are too small for the Mirtec MV-3L?


Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 11:13:14 EDT 2021 | dontfeedphils

I've really liked Koh Young in the past, but it's been a few years. I really disliked a lot of aspects of the Parmi system (lots of false calls and lower quality hardware IMO). The last time I was looking for 3D AOI I liked what I saw of the SQ3000

3D AOI Used Machine Recommendations

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 20 03:42:31 EDT 2022 | sophyluo1985

If you are currently using a Mirtec machine, then you will continue to choose this brand of machine when you replace the machine. If you are familiar with TRI, Koh young, these two brands are also good. Many clients are using them. If you need to kno

Mirtec MV-9 inline 3D AOI

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 02:29:38 EDT 2017 | cpcompany

Dear All. My name is Casey Park from Starworks Korea. These days we purchased pre-owned Mirtec MV-9 inline 3D AOI from a customer site and have it fully refurbished and upgraded by Mirtec HQ. If anyone has a plan to invest 3D AOI or upgrade old 2D

Whats new in 3D AOI?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 27 05:45:20 EDT 2017 | pavel_murtishev

methos1979, 1. Mirtec, Marantz 2. Koh Young, Orbotech, Mirtec 3. Koh Young Zenith 4. Definitely Programs for 3D AOI are prepared really faster. Having defined component database, programming takes no more than a couple of hours. Fine tuning takes u

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