Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 13:04:15 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| Is there an IPC Standard stating the max. number of times that a PCB can pass through a reflow or wavesolder machine without having solder mask breakdown. | | PCB is FR4 | Solder Mask is LPI | Reflow and W/S Profile = Standard | | thanks and rega
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 18:26:19 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| | Is there an IPC Standard stating the max. number of times that a PCB can pass through a reflow or wavesolder machine without having solder mask breakdown. | | | | PCB is FR4 | | Solder Mask is LPI | | Reflow and W/S Profile = Standard | | | | t
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 10 17:40:50 EDT 1999 | JohnW
| | | Is there an IPC Standard stating the max. number of times that a PCB can pass through a reflow or wavesolder machine without having solder mask breakdown. | | | | | | PCB is FR4 | | | Solder Mask is LPI | | | Reflow and W/S Profile = Standard
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 10 18:53:04 EDT 1999 | Dreamsniper
| | | | Is there an IPC Standard stating the max. number of times that a PCB can pass through a reflow or wavesolder machine without having solder mask breakdown. | | | | | | | | PCB is FR4 | | | | Solder Mask is LPI | | | | Reflow and W/S Profile =
1 |