Electronics Forum: triton iv mil trek (Page 1 of 2)

Technical Devices NuClean 324

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 13 10:37:38 EDT 2003 | joeherz

I may have the oppurtunity to purchase this machine. My experience with in-line machines is limited to Trek (Triton IV) and Electrovert (aquastorm) having success and failure with both. The equipment would be used strictly for an OA chemistry and w

Looking for tech support on the TRITON SMT IV Washer in Ohio.

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 01 13:24:45 EST 2011 | kmakiya

Sounds like you have a bad heater. Check current on each leg of the heater circuit, CON6 for the wash and CON7 for the rinse. The current should be the same on each leg. Trek is now part of Stoelting, tech support is 920-894-2293. Hope this helps if

Water Quality for Open Loop DI Washer

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 15:59:03 EDT 2001 | bhowe

I am trying to find out the best way to determine the water quality in the tanks of our washer. We have a Trek Triton IV. I beleive there is a way to do a resistance test and that would give you a determination as to the quality of the water. Any

Drip Pan for Aqueous Cleaner

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 06 09:31:39 EST 2011 | davem

Hey Guys, I'm interested in installing a new drip pan under our Trek Westek Triton IV Aqueous Cleaner. I'm looking for a fabricator in the Greater Boston/North Shore Massachusetts area. We haven't yet decided on stainless or plastic. Any suggestio

Austin American Microjet Users

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 13:05:31 EDT 2003 | JoeH

I may have the oppurtunity to purchase a AAT Microjet machine with the Mach II drying capability. I like the theoretical cleaning/drying capability and power consumption advantages this machine could give us. The relative small footprint is also a


Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 08:48:10 EDT 2004 | johnnie8

We have bought and are in the process of installing Impells for fume extraction on our wave, wash, and reflow oven in the plant. We have two units bought second hand that will be used on the wave and oven, and are still looking for a model 8240 for t

Kyzen or Zestron?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 06 14:05:32 EDT 2007 | grics

Good afternoon... I am pretty new to a lot of things in the electronics manufacturing realm and could use some help on some issues from the big guys... Our company is a contract manufacturer for many customers. We use multiple paste and flux types

Inline Aqueous Wash for WS and RMA fluxes

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 21:26:44 EST 2006 | billwestiet

You already have some good answers. A chemical isolation zone for RMA is a good idea. If you are looking for new see the two references you have and Austin America. If you are looking for used, see us at http://www.ietechnology.net. We presently

Re: DI Water Quality Curve??

Electronics Forum | Fri May 22 22:35:23 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

Hello there, I've been reading these posts with a little interest as I'm just setting up a contract assembly facility here in Sunnyvale, California. I've learned a few things concerning water quality & filtering bed life that I thought I'd share

Re: Cleaning under, around, and through tight spaces

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 20:29:32 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory

| A question for you all! | | Back in the good old days, we didn't always know how clean was clean. Much has changed. Much hasn't. | | My question concerns cleaning under, through, and around tight spaces. Way back when, we could not clean under 20

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