Electronics Forum: tsop leads solder joints failing (Page 1 of 8)

solder crack

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 15:37:56 EDT 2002 | pjc

Possible cause can be design related- if the solder land is too small. Check w/ IPC SM-782 Solder Land Design Guide Another is board finish. I have seen problems like this with Gold finished PWBs- which creates a more brittle solder joint.Another pos

solder strength

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 10:41:24 EDT 2005 | D.B. Cooper

We've seen the same thing - leads of QFPs not as strong as we'd like them to be. In the past 4 years no problem, this Spring they start failing. Touch a solder iron to it and it solders fine. After crunching some data, we found that both QFPs fail

solder strength

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 02 09:02:10 EDT 2005 | dougs

you tell me, the customer has started to pull at some of the leads of some IC's with tweezers while de-bugging boards that had failed in the field, he was able to pull some of the leads away from the solder joints, we feel he may be over-doing it a

solder strength

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 06 10:20:33 EDT 2005 | slthomas

I love these stories. At my previous employer we experienced intermittent failures on an audio microprocessor assembly being used on a *new* product. This board had numerous microprocessors and complex firmware aboard. They discovered one PLCC on

Re: wave solder process

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 21 14:55:27 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | Does anyone know where I can find a list of things to do to when troubleshooting issues during the wave solder process? | | | | for example: | | | | Solder Bridge | | 1.verify amount of flux been aplied. | | 2.verify turbulance on your solder w

Re: wave solder process

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 15:18:54 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| Does anyone know where I can find a list of things to do to when troubleshooting issues during the wave solder process? | | for example: | | Solder Bridge | 1.verify amount of flux been aplied. | 2.verify turbulance on your solder wave. | 3.etc.

Re: wave solder process

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 20:35:51 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | Does anyone know where I can find a list of things to do to when troubleshooting issues during the wave solder process? | | | | | | for example: | | | | | | Solder Bridge | | | 1.verify amount of flux been aplied. | | | 2.verify turbulance on

Re: wave solder process

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 19:52:57 EDT 1999 | Tony

| | Does anyone know where I can find a list of things to do to when troubleshooting issues during the wave solder process? | | | | for example: | | | | Solder Bridge | | 1.verify amount of flux been aplied. | | 2.verify turbulance on your solder w

SMT solder Covering component surface

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 27 17:32:35 EDT 2013 | tpost

We recently had a question come up regarding the amount of solder on a flat underside termination ( we referenced Flat Lug Lead in IPC 610). Judging by the photo you can see on the Left is a target solder joint, but on the right is one which had rewo

Re: Ceramic + Hi-temp solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 20:50:26 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| I'm having problems with trying to get a good solder joint using a Ceramic PCB. We are using AMTECH hi-temp solder (ws-486 96.5/3.5ag). My profile looks great and I used the recommended profile from Amtech with a few adjustments. My max temp is abo

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