Electronics Forum: tune (Page 1 of 25)

NOVASTAR Tune menu password

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 18 17:40:40 EST 2015 | rowsail

I have a NOVASTAR 1200 with a ProcessSentry(tm) controller. The battery backup battery went flat and thus it refuses to do any "work" because it is requesting the oven be "tuned". To enter the "Tune" menu a password is required. Does anyone know t

APS GF-12 Reflow Auto Tuning

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 12:46:13 EST 2016 | rogeroger

Hello, APS GF-12 Reflow oven somehow asking to Auto Tune before going on Work mode. I tried Auto Tuning and it is running for last 3 days continually and nothing happened. Can anybody help me to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.

Gold Flow Oven GF-12 Tuning Instructions Needed

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 10:33:38 EST 2015 | jackm

I have a Gold-Flow GF-12 reflow oven. When entering "Work" mode, I get a screen that says that the oven needs to be tuned first. I am able to start the autotuning process (found the password on SMTnet), but the unit just seems to run forever in that

Need help on improving design - Automatic Pick & Place Coil

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 14:12:49 EDT 2018 | tey422

I just found out we are unable to epoxy it. As the customer need to pull it up and open to tune the product. Which means the only way to solve it is by fine tune the pad and/or stencil design.

Solderless Methods for Tuning RF Circuits

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 28 21:56:56 EDT 2019 | sarason

I presume you mean at microwave frequencies. If not get it right in the CAD. Programs such as Microwave Office and VSS make it easy. Also Ansoft, Keysight Eagle etc. Having used MO and Eagle I would heartily recommend them. In the bad old days one tr

Belt Tension Meter

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 21 13:44:27 EDT 2005 | davef

Se�or Tech: What's a "tuning fork type belt"?

APS Novastar oven tuning?

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 13 14:30:38 EST 2010 | gantry

I do not have a suggestion except possibly calling APS?

Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Thu May 12 11:22:26 EDT 2011 | patrickbruneel

I think we can tune out now it looks like you got a permanent fix :)

APS GF-12 Reflow Auto Tuning

Electronics Forum | ttheis |

Thu Jan 14 16:50:08 EST 2016

APS GF-12 Reflow Auto Tuning

Electronics Forum | ttheis |

Thu Jan 14 16:54:59 EST 2016

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