Electronics Forum | Fri May 01 21:34:26 EDT 2015 | sarason
I have added the TWS Quadra format to my program PCBSynergy Which can be downloaded here. http://members.iinet.net.au/~sarason/ I have only just released this update in the last 2 weeks.But I wrote it about 8 months ago so all the details are fuzz
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 17 05:53:09 EST 2020 | eddas
I have the same problem. Did You get hard disk copy or some info what to do in such situation?
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 01 18:24:03 EDT 2019 | etonin1
Hello everyone! I work into SMT branch, on p&p Faroad, Quadra TWS and Autotronik. I always mounted a lot of circuits, especially strip led on kapton sheets. I noticed that thing.. between a kapton circuit and another there are differences such as lit
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 29 09:48:01 EDT 2013 | jvadillo
Hi, we have finally purchased the following second hand equipment: - TWS Quadra pick&place from 2004 - TWS 1100 oven - Motoprint-M automatic screen printer We are quite happy for the price we paid and what we have obtained. The PnP needs some n
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 10 09:00:40 EDT 2004 | rlackey
Hi, It should get you at least a 1997 machine, but the age isn't as critical as the UPS level - you want at least 3.2.3. They are good machines & are well built, and at least comparable with any other second user machines (although not in the Fuji/
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