Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 15:13:54 EST 2008 | tbkonrad
It's not the z pickup or profile bot thanks for the help, I think Mike is right. I have used these profiles hundreds if not thousands of times in the past and never had an issue. Also it was different components and different profiles almost every ti
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 07:28:04 EDT 2008 | leemeyer
This sounds like a Quadalign problem. Upon startup the Quadalign system checks runout of the Z-rod and tries to find the tip of the nozzle. It will keep lowering the Z-rod and looking for the tip until it hits it's limit. Check and see if the Quadali
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 11:01:44 EST 2013 | bobpan
The way its supposed to work...is....when you do a function 30 the z axis should step down until the nozzle tip is seen in the quad align or laser align. The readout should have a nozzle height but if its the earlier firmware for the machine it might
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 16:24:19 EDT 2006 | bobpan
Larry, I would suggest not changing mod-codes on a machine that you dont know very well and that should solve the damaged z-rod problem. What you should do is get someone into your company to train you on the basic's of operating the machine. The $22
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 17 11:59:59 EDT 2014 | briantmc
Hi all. A "newbie" on the forum, hopefully someone can help! I have a Quad IVc that has developed a problem on its Theta Axis. In performing the Homing routine it does not spin the nozzle through 360 deg as it should. It does a small turn ~45deg o
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