Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 19 08:38:13 EDT 2014 | davef
I can't picture much of what you're saying, not for nothing, I'm just not connecting. During assembly, solder mask can affected by heat and chemicals. Typically this would be during: * Soldering * Cleaning I will tell you this: Not to defend assem
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 03 07:49:18 EDT 2003 | mk
Mask Musings. Soldermask (SM) and its functions have changed and evolved over the years. As an ex-solder mask applicator, I can remember screening Colonial High Gloss Epoxy soldermask on boards back in the early 80's, ending up with a thickness that
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 01 22:15:36 EDT 2003 | davef
Tough to say. It depends on the type of solder mask, the producer of the solder mask, and your board fabricators' process. As one angle on this, solder mask type affects thickness. Minimum clearance: * Liquid photoimageable: 2 thou * Screened liq
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 16:21:41 EDT 2004 | rohman23
I'm in a similar situation. We have a pre-historic semi-automatic printer that does a decent job, but would like to get an automatic printer. I've only just begun looking into the different options available, but would like one that could inspect t
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 09 09:43:48 EST 2009 | boardhouse
Hi Simon, The main reason that it would probably be removed would be do to lack of clearance for a soldermask dam from pad to pad. typically if the clearance from pad to pad is under .008 the solder mask dam would be removed. Min recomended dam siz
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 01 12:50:47 EST 1999 | justin medernach
| Hello! SMT professionals, | | I do not know if anyone posted this question before. | Last week, I reflowed our newly designed thin Rigid-Flex pcb with 0.040" thickness. I found all of pins of a TQFP48 ic did not get wetted. I could see on the hee
Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 07:53:40 EDT 2006 | egrice1
Sheldon, Tip life is directly related to temperature, IRON plating thickness on the tip, Alloy composition used and operator technique. High tin contents in lead free alloys attach the tips. Poor wetting and higher melting temperatures cause us
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 04 04:55:31 EDT 2000 | Jesper K
It's a typical answer from a board fabricator - 'None of our other customers have these problems'. But, and correct me if I'm wrong, none of the other customers uses the same PCB's as you do! Your preheat-parameters looks OK - they should not be giv
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 15 12:57:12 EDT 2000 | Dave F
0.0006" LT Total pad height = Thickness of ( Copper pad + OSP ) = 0.0014" + 0.00000157" = ~0.0014" (You must be using an organic solderability preservative (OSP) or Electroless Nickel immersion gold (ENIG) because 0.003" tin/lead or white tin would
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 19:14:15 EDT 2006 | Board House
Our Manufacturing policy regarding welds is as follows. 1) Inner layers - depends on Core thickness and line width. Our shop will not do any welding on core thickness less then 5 mils. or line width less then 5 mil. Good AOI practices reduce the a
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