Electronics Forum: uic gsm2 feeder (Page 1 of 10)

Looking for ex field engineer for uic gsm1 and gsm2 machines

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 09 11:15:48 EDT 2011 | temelyucel

we are looking for ex field engineer for uic gsm1 and gsm2 machines

Looking for ex field engineer for uic gsm1 and gsm2 machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 15:26:42 EDT 2011 | vickt

what region? and to contract or for hire?

Looking for ex field engineer for uic gsm1 and gsm2 machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 28 20:19:14 EDT 2011 | edwaterfall01

Ex UIC FE (15 years) available for service work on all GSMs. If interested we can arrange to discuss further.

Looking for ex field engineer for uic gsm1 and gsm2 machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 13:41:55 EDT 2011 | mmjm_1099

I am looking for one in the Wisconsin area. I have a GSM1 I purcahsed and need sonmeone to come in get it up and running so I can resell it on the used market.

UIC feeder

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 14 22:04:09 EST 2019 | liangshimoli

dear all, sorry for interupt, but i need a big amount of UIC feeder, who have source please contact me or introduce me. my email: luong.nhai6@gmail.com Hope to see your voice. thank you!

feeder maintenance

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 21:48:22 EST 2006 | bigdaddysoy9

Universal has GSM feeder manuals in .PDF format on their website. http://www.uic.com/ You have to register to view them.

UIC feeder

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 18 08:38:46 EST 2019 | davef

Go to the SMTnet "Used SMT Equipment" page [ https://smtnet.com/mart/index.cfm?fuseaction=rfq ] and submit an RFQ

GSM feeder O-ring size?

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 17:47:52 EST 2007 | gregcr

Hi All does anyone know the size of the o-ring on the front coupling on the GSM feeders? I know I can get them from UIC, but maybe there is a size I can buy in bulk to maintain my feeders. thanks

UIC feeder - front connector

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 27 12:19:43 EDT 2008 | evtimov

Hello all, can anyone tell me where I can buy front connectors for UIC feeders? Or at least the probe pins. From Universal connectors cost a small fortune. Emil

UIC feeder - front connector

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 27 15:17:16 EDT 2008 | dwelch123

I assume your talking about GSM feeders, and your right, they do cost a small fortune. You would be better off trying to buy used feeders,,at this point they are everywhere and pretty cheap.

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