Electronics Forum: uic hsp 4791 (Page 1 of 8)

universal hsp 4791 help

Electronics Forum | Wed May 31 10:05:43 EDT 2006 | dwelch123

Did you get your answers? If not you can call me at 941-758-3340. Ask for Dennis Welch,,, I've got all your answers but to lengthy to type out.

universal hsp 4791 help

Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 10:59:56 EDT 2006 | James H

I have a panel with 4 boards on it. All boards have the same orientation. Is there a way to set up an offset to make the program more efficient? I also have a few panels with a couple bad boards on them. Is there a way to set up the program to reco

HSP 4791 Problem

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 21 21:20:56 EDT 2007 | mika

Hi, Go for a very "slow down" turrent speed of 50 % and then see what is happening? It sounds that You could face a timing belt problem. I have seen this before. Another thing on this machine is whenever a slitghest misalignment between the the diffe

4791 Problems

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 01 09:33:54 EDT 2004 | jaytorres

thanks, called UIC tech support on this matter. Thanks for your help.

4791 Problems

Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 16:58:15 EDT 2004 | Mike Cyr

Hi Jay, You might try calling our technical support team to get you started on sorting out these problems. I am attaching the link to our website and support page and the Email and telephone numbers. If they are unable to help you out, they can ar

4791 Problems

Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 15:03:34 EDT 2004 | jaytorres

Wierd thing happened today with the HSP4791. All the programs and component definitions were wiped out (luckily they are all backed up on the terminal). And since the air compressor was shut down today to change the oil in the compressor, the 4791

SMT LED placement with Universal HSP 4791

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 13 17:45:24 EST 2005 | vickt

Clark, As a start....Do you have a qualified tech on site to verify that the camera lighting is within spec? If not it's hard to say where you are starting from. I know that UIC still has trained personel that can help you out on this older gear if y

HSP 4791 Problem

Electronics Forum | mika |

Sat Apr 21 23:54:56 EDT 2007

Universal HSP 4791

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 30 17:04:30 EDT 2006 | ausajid

hi all we got a second hand hsp 4791, any body have the components library for this machine. if we can get a sample for each type of component, will be appreciated. many thanks

HSP 4791 vs CP6-5

Electronics Forum | Tue May 12 08:56:54 EDT 1998 | Process Engineer

I'm in the process of doing an evaluation fora big board machine. My choices are Universal HSP 4791 and Fuji CP6-5. Has anyone one a subjective evaluation on both machines? If so what was the outcome, abd experiences since installing the selected mac

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