Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 19:12:11 EDT 2002 | djarvis
Sorry fellas -disagree. We only clean our stencils in the ultrasonic machine at the end of the run. If the same pcb is up the next day we clean them by hand. We use Electrolube SSS and the used rolls from the in line under stencil cleaner. Wipe the
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 21 03:41:39 EDT 2005 | DEK under stencil wipes
hello! i am vera,we can supply the under stencil wipes for 'JUKI','MPM','SANYO','FUJI','DEK','YAMAHA'etc.brand. if you are interesting,you can visit http://www.comofaje.com and contact me via vera@comofaje.com. Thanks! Vera 2005/04/21
Electronics Forum | Thu May 17 09:20:10 EDT 2012 | stentech
there are many reasons why FG and Nano are used and many papers written on them. Nano ssems to be the topic of interest right now. I agree it is mostly for printing fine and untra fine pitch. With that comes under stencil wiping to keep the stencil o
Electronics Forum | Thu May 04 11:39:10 EDT 2023 | dontfeedphils
We typically wipe the boards with a lint free wipe soaked in the same under stencil cleaning solution we use in our printer, then run it through our spray-in-air stencil wash.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 04 11:37:25 EDT 2023 | proceng1
Thank you. I do feel that the document is very lacking in detail. It mostly says "yes, it needs cleaned. Make sure the cleaning process doesn't screw it up". The majority of boards that get wiped are already populated on the other side. So that lim
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 04 06:48:34 EST 2009 | muarty
Has anyone any experience of using completely dry under stencil cleaning. I have recently been sent some information regarding Micro�Wipe� FP cleaning rolls. The claims about their performance are pretty good, but then what are they like in reality?
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 21 08:45:53 EDT 2005 | davef
Top 10 products relating to solder paste are: * Printer * Stencil * Stencil storage rack * Squeegee * Squeegee holder * Under stencil wipe * Under stencil cleaning fluid * Stencil cleaner * Dispenser * Paste stirrer * Used paste / empty paste contain
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 18 09:27:53 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils
I believe it's mostly worn off through cleaning solvents and the slight abrasion during the under stencil cleaning process. I couldn't say whether or not it's ever in a state that would allow it to transfer to the PCB though.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 02:40:20 EDT 2008 | JH pbf
We use Axarel 2200 as recomended by Vitronics Soltec, which is the same as we use on our MPM printes for under stencil cleaning. It is non-ozone depleating and has a high flash point. For insurance purposes we banned IPA from the shop floor some
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 04 08:36:54 EST 2009 | davef
While you're waiting for others to reply, search the fine SMTnet Archives to find threads like: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=38821