Electronics Forum: universal and mag and loader and (Page 1 of 14)

Picking and placing coils with a universal In-Line 7

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 15:53:30 EST 2019 | emeto

From the datasheet

Picking and placing coils with a universal In-Line 7

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 14:41:08 EST 2019 | jrogalski88

I am a fairly new technician with a rather large electronics assembly company. Its been an ongoing issue to pick and place small coils using our Universal SMT machines. Curious if any if the seasoned techs at smt.net have any recommendations as far a

Picking and placing coils with a universal In-Line 7

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 16:43:04 EST 2019 | bane016

Try with "120F" type part number:48503503 or 1220 1240...reduce pick up speed...

Picking and placing coils with a universal In-Line 7

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 24 09:50:59 EST 2019 | my3sons

We can handle this challenge. If you would like to get an RFQ on a custom nozzle, please complete our form: http://www.cotinc.com/nozzle/

Picking and placing coils with a universal In-Line 7

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 05:21:07 EST 2019 | jrogalski88

I will try this, thank you! Out of curiosity what about an 0807?? currently using an 1140 but there's still issues with that. I'm almost wondering if maybe parts just aren't sitting flat in the pocket so I'm getting pick and visioning issues.

Picking and placing coils with a universal In-Line 7

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 11:46:45 EST 2019 | bane016

Maybe you have to contact your machine support they can modify special nozzle for that component...i dont know what else you can try...or just contact your support and ask them what to do...we had a similar problem with LED diode on our machine..and

MPM Up2000 and SMEMA

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 13 07:00:28 EDT 2016 | awhite

Thanks for the reply. When you hit start on the printer, you can see it send the "start cycle (SMEMA)" signal, and it immediately goes to "awaiting board from upstream." This tells me that the printer knows a signal has definitely been sent and rece

MPM Up2000 and SMEMA

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 12 09:26:00 EDT 2016 | awhite

Our MPM Up2000 HIE is having a communication problem with any upstream machine we place in front of it...i.e. conveyor, board loader, etc. It all started when we removed a conveyor from inbetween it and a board loader, and hooked those machines up di

Universal HSP/GSM and Unicam

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 16:22:29 EDT 2006 | jaimebc

Are there any users currently working with Unicam and Universal HSP and GSM? If so, what offline interface are you using? USOS or UCT-52. Was there any conflict between Universal's interface and Unicam? Thanks

MPM Up2000 and SMEMA

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 13 10:00:27 EDT 2016 | awhite

Switched out the mech. relay on the board loader, no change. Same behavior. Could not find a mech. relay on the printer... SMEMA wiring appears go directly to a PCB. And it is at that point that I run out of talent. If the machine weren't dedicate

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