Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 13:22:58 EST 2017 | jluiscp10
Hi. We Recently adquired a used machine universal GSM2, (product tree #46368504 L524), we need the operation, programming, platform operation, PTF basic machine operation manuals. Could you help me with this? Thanks
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 17:35:03 EST 2017 | dilogic
You can register your machine with Universal Instruments for very reasonable fee (I paid ~500$) and get access to their web-based support. Well worth the money. Also, you will be able to order spares, which you will certainly need...
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 05 09:14:14 EST 2022 | peterm
Invoke. The PTF Setup Procedure dialog box displays. 4. Select Product. The Select Product File dialog box displays. 5. Select the same product used in the Open PTF Teach Product section above. 6. Enter the Slot number for the PTF and select Full
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 13 11:18:37 EDT 2014 | dilogic
parameters -> axis that z axis for head2 is also enabled ("axis mounted" must be 1)
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 16:13:47 EDT 2014 | dilogic
Just be careful to set the jumpers accordingly, if you swap the boards!
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 23 04:30:24 EDT 2014 | garteaga
Hi Rob, We have a GSM2. We have had that error in several occasions. Assuming you have already verified your vaccuum is good for that spindle, the most common problem is that the machine configuartion is wrong. Match the nozzle on the head to the no
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 07:38:29 EDT 2014 | dilogic
Z axis drivers are located in co-salled LP servo bay. It is 19" rack mounted in lower left part of the machine. Head1 z axis driver is in slot 4 and head2 driver is in slot 6
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 09:22:51 EDT 2014 | rgduval
Deni, Do you know if the theta axis controlled by the same slots/cards as the z-axis, by any chance? We also can't get theta to work on head 2, so, I'm wondering if the issue is related... thanks, ..rob
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 13 13:24:21 EDT 2014 | rgduval
Deni, Yep, we found that one the other day, too. And, yes, axis mounted is set to 1. We tried setting it to 0, saving, then back to 1 (again, hoping to clear a software flag/fault, if that's what it is). Thanks, ..rob
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 13 18:15:38 EDT 2014 | ilavu
Hey rob, make sure you do the changer setup. That procedure looks at the fiducials on the changer and adjust the position for nozzle change. It is in system setting. Motor or amp is not easily go bad. I have machine from 92 and never had problem with