Electronics Forum: universal gsm 8mm used feeders (Page 1 of 7)

0402 feeders

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 17:19:49 EDT 2006 | flipit

Yes 0402 8X4 embossed feeders exist for Panasonic MSR, Universal GSM, Contact Systems, and Mimot for sure. In the old days of 0402 components, 0402 resistors used to come in 8X4 paper tape but now I think most 0402 resistors and capacitors come in 8

Universal Instruments GSM Blue and White Label feeders

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 28 06:16:15 EDT 2021 | semelectronics

Hello, We have recently liquidated a production line, almost everything has been already sold, we just have left over 300 GSM feeders and lot of spare parts for machines. Whereever I try to sell this equipment I hear it is too old and they do not us

Cover tape tearing

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 15 06:20:11 EST 2005 | rlackey

Hi Liza, We've seen it occaisionally in house on Universal GSM 8,12,16mm but not on Fuji (except when a feeder's not used for a while). Also on 44, 56 & 72mm (the smaller vol parts I mentioned earlier. It tends not to affect the Hoover Davis Feeder


Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 06 22:44:40 EDT 1999 | Dreamsniper

We got plenty of 16mmX12mm GSM1 Tape feeders that are not in use and we are short of 16mmX8mm Tape feeders. Is there a way to convert these 16mmX12mm into 16mmX8mm ? Thanks and Regards,

GSM Calibration

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 29 11:02:29 EST 2007 | jaimebc

You may be creating more problems by teaching feeders. We use one type of 8mm for whatever amount of feeders we have loaded. You shouldn't have to teach 10-8mm feeders with 10 different feeder names. Use only one.

GSM1 Component Recognition

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 05 18:56:39 EDT 2006 | PWH

Slot specific is not too difficult. You will see a great improvement on your 8mm and 12mm placements if you do it. You will have to train your operators to teach feeders properly before each run as they won't be used to it. Universal's newer soft

Flason SMT Products

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:14:21 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

Flason SMT universal products: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Touch-screen-Manual-stencil-printing-machine-solder-paste-printer.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Universal-8mm-CT0892-Feeder.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Universal-Gen

GSM Calibration

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 29 10:46:14 EST 2007 | geb

What are ghost feeders? I've been creating a feeder for each slot and teaching each one individually before running a job. eg. Using an 8mm tape in slot 20 = "8mm Tapeslot20" or 12mm tape in slot 56 = "12mm Tapeslot56"


Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 07 16:18:00 EDT 1999 | Thomas Nocpen

| We got plenty of 16mmX12mm GSM1 Tape feeders that are not in use and we are short of 16mmX8mm Tape feeders. | Is there a way to convert these 16mmX12mm into 16mmX8mm ? | | Thanks and Regards, | | I had the same issue and traded them in towards t


Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 03 19:10:44 EST 2011 | fordf1502004

We are using Universal's Hsc for our production. the problem we are having is we are placing 0402 with a 8mm feeder with a pitch of 2, while running production, the feeder continues to advance with a pitch of 4. anyone have an idea as to why. the com

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