Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 18 11:13:12 EDT 2004 | smt
I am in the process of evaluating some pick and place machines. Looking for feedback on Universal's new genesis HSC VS.HSP4797
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 12 12:17:49 EDT 2004 | mkallen
We have an HSP4797 and can provide a favorable opinion on that machine.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 14:44:41 EDT 2019 | jbaez1
Looking for Pack Driver or driver unit 630 119 8361 from HSP4797 (Universal, Sanyo or Hitachi): Tag information: Pack Driver Model: D2890B S ver. 0.16 W ver. 0.00 Made in Japan
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 02 16:29:43 EST 2011 | remullis
I can explain our kitting process which was heavily software managed. For our Chipshooters we grouped setups of the optimum algorithym for less carriage movement, and grouping part numbers as much as possible. This was done with some high dollar sof
Electronics Forum | Sat May 22 19:02:04 EDT 2004 | Grant
Hi, I had another thread on this, however it's kind of petered out, and so I thought I would start another more specific thread. We have been looking at both the Fuji CP7 and the Universal HSP4797 however really have no idea what to choose. It seem
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 03 20:10:06 EDT 2005 | smtuser1234
You better get to know who the third party service companies are because Fuji just does not care about service they rely on their reputation. If you wanted good service you should have gone with Universal. When you compare machines now days all of th
Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 14:47:49 EDT 2003 | radney
On the new 4797 T12W8P feeders we are having trouble picking the very thin chip resistors. Adding foam to the feeder (beneath the pick point) helps, but it only minimizes our frustration. Universal has a reel of these parts and they are looking into
Electronics Forum | Sun May 23 19:43:29 EDT 2004 | Alan
Hi Grant, most of my experience is with the range of Fuji equipment, CP's, IP's, QP's. I have not worked with the CP7 yet. With the proper training, Fuji equipment is superb to work with and will run for years. My only Universal experience
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 01 12:51:53 EDT 2004 | johnjohn
I dont want to get into a bun fight you are the first person I have met that has kick out fuji machines in my experience fuji chip shooters are better and up untill universal did have the upper hand on fine pitch but not any more although will all y
Electronics Forum | Wed May 26 08:40:01 EDT 2004 | vickt
The Universal / Hitachi partnership is stronger than ever! Joint Ventures and other cooperative arrangements are now the norm in any industry and make product offerings much stronger. Our partnership is long term and dates back to 1989. Our most rece