Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 30 15:02:17 EDT 2004 | shk5678
Dear Michael Usually the equipment you need is: Universal Instruments 6772 Multi Mod IC Inserter. Universal Axial Inserter either a combination unit or 2 stand alone units one that sequences the parts and one that inserts them. Universal Instrume
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 13:57:25 EDT 2007 | fastek
Invest in some training.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 21 14:14:50 EDT 2020 | emeto
Universal instruments used to build this kind of equipment back in the days. Not sure if they still do it.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 15 09:13:47 EST 1998 | Roger W Pufky
hello, the person at Universal Instruments to contact about this machine is Mike Yingling at 607-7795899 or email yingling@uic.com , I have given him your e-mail address and a description of what you are looking for . rog | | I am looking
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 02 10:36:09 EST 1998 | Jimmy Strain
| I am looking for suppliers of through-hole DIP insertion. It's been a long while since I've looked for through-hole equipment and am not aware of who manufactures DIP insertion equipment. If you know of some suppliers, I would appreciate some inp
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 02 13:27:17 EST 1998 | smd
| | I am looking for suppliers of through-hole DIP insertion. It's been a long while since I've looked for through-hole equipment and am not aware of who manufactures DIP insertion equipment. If you know of some suppliers, I would appreciate some i
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 06 08:49:35 EDT 2004 | Tom B.
Ensure that there is no space or extra characters at the end of the line. Use "END" key, if cursor does not stop directly behind you insert code, then that is most likely our problem. I have found that MS-Dos Editor is better suited for PPU progra
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 30 16:36:00 EDT 2013 | richardconnell
I have a Universal Instruments Corporation TAB Bonder. Oldish machine. Initial fault on machine : - "Axis Head 1 Z DAC Limit error during move absolute command" Other fault seen after we reset power, Zeroed axis etc. - Axis Head 1 - Z error not re
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 01 17:56:10 EDT 2013 | swag
I'd take a look at the power supply for the failed axis and see if it's still working. I've also seen encoders fail on motors but it's rare in my experience. Usually it's a power issue.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 01 18:44:24 EDT 2013 | richardconnell
Hi, I have limited capability on the Z axis. The axis will home to the mechanical switch limit and then drop to a point which I asssume to be the fiorst zero point below the mechanical switch limit. Then it gives the error. There is power to the mo