Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 16:58:15 EDT 2004 | Mike Cyr
Hi Jay, You might try calling our technical support team to get you started on sorting out these problems. I am attaching the link to our website and support page and the Email and telephone numbers. If they are unable to help you out, they can ar
Electronics Forum | Wed May 31 10:05:43 EDT 2006 | dwelch123
Did you get your answers? If not you can call me at 941-758-3340. Ask for Dennis Welch,,, I've got all your answers but to lengthy to type out.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 10:59:56 EDT 2006 | James H
I have a panel with 4 boards on it. All boards have the same orientation. Is there a way to set up an offset to make the program more efficient? I also have a few panels with a couple bad boards on them. Is there a way to set up the program to reco
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 09:02:30 EST 2022 | peterm
You teach the corners of the component picked from the previous steps. Just select "PTF RR BTWN RAIL" slot 75 in "feeder teach" and it should move over to the belt.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 10:38:01 EST 2022 | poly
Cool, I do exactly that, I teach the bottom left and top right corner as it says... though maybe I should try the other ways. It gives me a totally wrong value.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 06 08:28:47 EST 2023 | peterm
That's really up to you and for DTF what bank you're using it in so you can reach the pockets for teaching. Obviously easiest to keep them all the same.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 09:56:07 EST 2022 | peterm
Feeder Teach. Then it's the "Slot X,Y feeder teach" in the pulldown menu. That should be the default one, set feeder slot and the PTF as your feeder. If in doubt you can always make a back up in the feeder database as well. Probably a good idea eithe
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 15:31:51 EST 2023 | griinder
I use a DTF instead of PTF, but one thing I wondered reading this...Which pocket do you designate as "First Pocket" for your tray in your Feeder.db? Could this be affecting the XY position being returned by the machine? For DTF I use upper left. Shou
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 25 11:55:22 EST 2022 | poly
So I'm attempting to run feeder teach for my platform tray feeder... but I've got no idea what first point I should teach is... normal is the end pin of the feeder but this is for the ptf conveyor... so I've got no idea. If I just teach each corner
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 01 14:48:48 EST 2022 | peterm
Hi, The detailed instructions should be in Voyager under PTF Installation. It's basically a kit where you pick up a metal plate and you teach that component on the belt directly. If you don't have access to the kit I'd just start of with the default