Electronics Forum: universal instruments axial. radial insert (Page 1 of 4)

Automate Through hole assembly

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 30 15:02:17 EDT 2004 | shk5678

Dear Michael Usually the equipment you need is: Universal Instruments 6772 Multi Mod IC Inserter. Universal Axial Inserter either a combination unit or 2 stand alone units one that sequences the parts and one that inserts them. Universal Instrume

Universal Instruments Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 13:57:25 EDT 2007 | fastek

Invest in some training.

new investment request

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 06 11:05:54 EST 2003 | Randy Villeneuve

I am not sure what parts you are inserting, i.e. radial, axial. The first thing I would do is to make sure the design can be automated. There are design guidelines from Universal and others that are good in determining if the parts can be placed and

Automated through hole insertion

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 21 14:35:31 EDT 2020 | charliedci

Yes, we have an old Universal axial and they still offer independent machines for axial, radial and DIP components, but I do not have the floor space for that. Some offer "odd form" insertion machines (Juki, Hanwha, Cenncorp)which is the direction I

through hole today

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 11 20:36:04 EDT 2013 | action_101

UIC still manufacturers new thru-hole machines. Both axial and radial insertion models are available. They stopped making the multi-mod dip inserters in '91 or '92. And parts are easily acquired for any older models, there were a ton of machines out

Thru_hole component placement

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 27 20:01:32 EST 2006 | bigdaddysoy9

I have no affiliation with Universal other than being a customer. We use the VCD/Radial 8 series machines. We run them 24 hours a day, 6 days a week. We spend approx. 30 minutes per machine per week maintaining them. I would recommend them to anybody

Universal Instruments Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 14:03:53 EDT 2007 | slthomas

Radial Leads (I've had IIs, IIIs, and Vs) do the job nicely, but they need weekly maintenance to keep them running. I don't know if you can get parts for them or not if you're not registered with UIC, but you WILL need parts for it. You will need al

Universal machines documentation

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 09 05:02:26 EDT 2007 | dismon

Hi, we have just purchased some old universal machines for thru hole insertion (Axial, radial, dip, secuencer and program generator). We have documentation for all the machines except from the pantograph. Does anybody know where could I get manuals f

Universal Instruments Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 11:15:29 EDT 2007 | gmoritz

We just obtained a Radial 5 Inserter with no documentation on how to run the software or to operate the machine. All I have is some hastily handwritten notes from the limited instructions that the installer gave me. Does anyone know anyone who has

radial/thru_hole insertion

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 13 07:56:19 EDT 2007 | Cmiller

Since you got no reply, I will give it my best shot but we do not have a radial inserter because they are really expensive. I would start with Universal instruments. I think its http://www.uic.com. I think they still make them in New York. TDK and Pa

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