Electronics Forum: universal instruments gsm 2 4688a pick (Page 1 of 5)

universal gsm 2 (ship shooter)

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 17:35:03 EST 2017 | dilogic

You can register your machine with Universal Instruments for very reasonable fee (I paid ~500$) and get access to their web-based support. Well worth the money. Also, you will be able to order spares, which you will certainly need...

PTF, how to feeder teach universal instruments

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 05 09:14:14 EST 2022 | peterm

Invoke. The PTF Setup Procedure dialog box displays. 4. Select Product. The Select Product File dialog box displays. 5. Select the same product used in the Open PTF Teach Product section above. 6. Enter the Slot number for the PTF and select Full

Universal instruments registration

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 23:15:26 EDT 2002 | fastek

If Universal for example decides they want to implement a registration fee to pursade customers from buying used then why have they dropped their shorts from $20,000 to register a GSM in 2000 to $2,000 recently? Guess they were tired of losing custom

Linear bearing damage X axis GSM2 dual beam (4688A) machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 01 13:08:07 EST 2021 | astarotf

Hello This part of the machine was damaged and we still cannot contact a supplier that sells it. If anyone has any contact that can provide me with spare parts for the GSM2 dual beam machine (4688A), I would appreciate it. Or if someone can provide

Universal GSM

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 03 10:52:32 EDT 2014 | rgduval

Thanks for the suggestion, Arifa. However, it doesn't look like any of these are for the Universal Instruments GSM2 pick and place machine. The Keller-Druck link is for a GPRS Modem with a datalogger. The Sparkfun and Cybrotech sites seem to be

GEM interface (Hitachi; Universal; Sanyo; Siemens)

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 27 09:28:16 EDT 2011 | dittmann

Hi all, I would like to know, how can I check out, if this types of machines below, have GEM interface? Where and exactly how can I check it out on each of this machines? -Universal GSM2 4688A -Universal HSP 4796L -Hitachi GXH-3 -Hitachi GXH-1S -Hita

Linear bearing damage X axis GSM2 dual beam (4688A) machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 02 16:05:46 EST 2021 | travishemen

The document I am using is through Universals Voyager software. It contains all the manuals, part lists, procedures, etc. It is an installed piece of software so it would be hard to share. I was able to find the pdf of this breakdown. I assume th

Re: Info on Universal Instruments?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 20:02:24 EDT 2000 | Dreamsniper

We have GSM1 model 1995. It's very stable. About their chip shooters, Robert Bosch here in Australia just bought 2 more chip shooters from Universal Instruments. And they already have 8 of those. Looks like it's quite okay. I just read that news abt

Universal GSM Progarmming and Operation

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 10:43:29 EST 2007 | MGC

Universal Instruments provides certified on-site training. You may contact your local UIC Sales or Service team or one of these numbers: http://www3.uic.com/wcms/WCMS2.nsf/index/Contact_Us_94.html

Re: Info on Universal Instruments?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 17:30:04 EDT 2000 | Eutectic state

Go with Universal. We had Fuji equipment for years. That is all but phased out now and we only are buying Universal. You cannot beat their service. The chip shooters are great. The only cons that I have dealt with is the learning curve on the n

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