Electronics Forum: universal instruments gsm 2.3 mil camera (Page 1 of 2)

GSM camera lens

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 14 08:56:30 EST 2008 | geb

Hi, The machine is a Universal GSM1 flexhead. Is it possible to just change the lens of a 2.6mil camera for a 1mil or 0.5mil lens. Or do I have to buy a complete camera assembly to do this? Thanks, Grant

GSM camera calibration.

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 18:01:22 EDT 2011 | comatose

We had a camera die on one of our GSMs. I got a new camera, and it is working, but I need to either find a cal kit to rent for a day, or else if someone knows a reasonably accurate procedure to calibrate the new camera using the other upward looking

Can a GSM place 0201's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 16:54:13 EDT 2004 | Vince Cook

Greg, Just to cover the formalities, I work for Universal, and specifically with the GSM Platform. The GSM with a 4 spindle head can place 0201s, however, there are a number of things you'll want to have, chief among them a 1 mil/pixel upward lo

GSM Camera Focus

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 16:37:07 EDT 2006 | flipit

If you bought this camera from Universal, it should come focused correctly. I had one of the first 0.5 mil cameras for flip chips. I used it for years and it was out of focus. I finally convinced Universal that something was wrong and they replace

Is anyone doing repairs on Universal GSM cameras?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 16:18:01 EDT 2004 | Steve

Universal does not do this anymore. I have 3 cameras which need repair, but would alternatively be willing to sell cores. 2, 4 mil and 1, 2.6 mil

Universal GSM1 with Shuttle

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 23 04:24:39 EDT 2005 | siverts

2.6 mil/pixel and a 4 mil/pixel cameras works maybe even better. It is sometimes a little bit difficult for the 1 mil/pixel cameras to accept parts; and it will take longer time to inspect a bigger QFP as it needs to take more pictures. We use 2.6 mi

GSM-1 CEP Camera

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 01 14:59:12 EDT 2010 | eezday

I've been working to bring a Universal GSM-1 back to operational readiness at a university. I have lots of pnp experience but little on the GSM. The software is at 3.2.3. When I try to manually "zero the board" in the PWC menu I get only a black s

Universal GSM1 with Shuttle

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 23 04:06:43 EDT 2005 | Rob

Make sure you have the 1 mil & 4 mil cameras so you can cover virtually any component.

Universal GSM1 with Shuttle

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 23 04:38:34 EDT 2005 | Rob

Hi, We used the 1 mil for 0402's etc. Admittedly most of our experience was on 2.6 & 4 mil as we mainly used the GSM's for oddform & fine pitch, but we found that the smaller chips went down better & more accurately with the smaller camera. Oh yeah

GSM Machines

Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 08:53:48 EDT 2007 | davem

I have been working with the UIC GSM platform for 6 years now in an EMS environment. Operating, programming, configuration, and line installation. I do not work for Universal or represent them in any way. UIC is a 1st rate company with excellent and

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