Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 17:35:03 EST 2017 | dilogic
You can register your machine with Universal Instruments for very reasonable fee (I paid ~500$) and get access to their web-based support. Well worth the money. Also, you will be able to order spares, which you will certainly need...
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 23:15:26 EDT 2002 | fastek
If Universal for example decides they want to implement a registration fee to pursade customers from buying used then why have they dropped their shorts from $20,000 to register a GSM in 2000 to $2,000 recently? Guess they were tired of losing custom
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 13 18:15:38 EDT 2014 | ilavu
Hey rob, make sure you do the changer setup. That procedure looks at the fiducials on the changer and adjust the position for nozzle change. It is in system setting. Motor or amp is not easily go bad. I have machine from 92 and never had problem with
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 23 09:40:31 EDT 2014 | rgduval
Thanks, George. Yep, we got through all of that. Then went to cleaning the nozzle changers, etc. Had a tech in the other day from the broker that we bought the machine from, and discovered that the problem in changer 4 is that we don't have any
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 23 04:30:24 EDT 2014 | garteaga
Hi Rob, We have a GSM2. We have had that error in several occasions. Assuming you have already verified your vaccuum is good for that spindle, the most common problem is that the machine configuartion is wrong. Match the nozzle on the head to the no
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 10 16:23:59 EDT 2014 | dilogic
First, plug all holes with nozzles or plugs. Then use I/O diagnostics to fire changer up and activate vacuum. Then try to remove each of the nozzles and see if the vacuumm holds. If it does, check vacuum detector switch (mounted on changer side). The
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 12:04:07 EDT 2011 | esoderberg
I would agree up until 2005 - 2006. Universal did not have a good SMT solution. Their GSM's were limited and combined with the sanyo chip shooter - software was a nightmare. What years did you have universal?
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 03 10:52:32 EDT 2014 | rgduval
Thanks for the suggestion, Arifa. However, it doesn't look like any of these are for the Universal Instruments GSM2 pick and place machine. The Keller-Druck link is for a GPRS Modem with a datalogger. The Sparkfun and Cybrotech sites seem to be
Electronics Forum | Fri May 13 11:00:19 EDT 2005 | geb
I have a Universal GSM which won't change nozzles from the changer. It says something along the lines of "timed out waiting for air pressure to build". Even though it has around 100PSI air pressure. Any ideas how to solve this? Cheers
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 09 17:37:58 EDT 2014 | rgduval
Got a failure while starting up our GSM, and hoping you guys have an easy fix that we're not seeing. We're getting a Timeout waiting for nozzle changer vacuum buildup. It seems to be occurring on head 2, during nozzle change. We've reseated all of