Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 17:35:03 EST 2017 | dilogic
You can register your machine with Universal Instruments for very reasonable fee (I paid ~500$) and get access to their web-based support. Well worth the money. Also, you will be able to order spares, which you will certainly need...
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 23:15:26 EDT 2002 | fastek
If Universal for example decides they want to implement a registration fee to pursade customers from buying used then why have they dropped their shorts from $20,000 to register a GSM in 2000 to $2,000 recently? Guess they were tired of losing custom
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 12 08:34:59 EST 2015 | jfeustel
Tom, we are in the Chicago area and we deal extensively with used Universal Instruments equipment. I probably have just about anything you might need for an older GSM in stock. I agree with Deni in that I would match a replacement hard drive very cl
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 12:04:07 EDT 2011 | esoderberg
I would agree up until 2005 - 2006. Universal did not have a good SMT solution. Their GSM's were limited and combined with the sanyo chip shooter - software was a nightmare. What years did you have universal?
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 03 10:52:32 EDT 2014 | rgduval
Thanks for the suggestion, Arifa. However, it doesn't look like any of these are for the Universal Instruments GSM2 pick and place machine. The Keller-Druck link is for a GPRS Modem with a datalogger. The Sparkfun and Cybrotech sites seem to be
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 20:02:24 EDT 2000 | Dreamsniper
We have GSM1 model 1995. It's very stable. About their chip shooters, Robert Bosch here in Australia just bought 2 more chip shooters from Universal Instruments. And they already have 8 of those. Looks like it's quite okay. I just read that news abt
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 28 10:16:14 EDT 2013 | Trinka
You can contact 4TechUSA.com for ALL your Universal Instruments requirements. Watch our videos on youtube.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 10:43:29 EST 2007 | MGC
Universal Instruments provides certified on-site training. You may contact your local UIC Sales or Service team or one of these numbers: http://www3.uic.com/wcms/WCMS2.nsf/index/Contact_Us_94.html
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 18:51:05 EDT 2000 | JAX
I haven't tried their chip shooters but I haven't found anything(SMT) that couldn't be placed by a GSM. They are very user friendly and come with good support. If you need specific answers to questions, feel free to ask.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 03:37:41 EDT 2021 | ttheis
We have a few of these machines in service still. Let me know what you have 847-380-3067.