Electronics Forum: universal instruments hsp 4797l including feeders!! (Page 1 of 1)

Are US OEM Manufacturers Dead?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 28 08:55:25 EDT 2002 | pjc

Rick, Here is a piece written in, I belivee the April issue SMT Magazine: Binghamton, N.Y. Sanyo High Technology and Universal Instruments Corp. have renewed an agreement whereby Sanyo will continue to provide the HSP line of chipshooters sold und

Feeder/Machine Maintenance Tracking

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 13 15:02:40 EDT 2003 | Mike Cyr

At the risk of offering up a pitch, Universal Instruments Dimensions Software suite includes a functionality that would address this need. For details you might contact a Universal sales representative or browse our website (www.uic.com) for informat

Universal 4796HSP D2332 Unit drivers

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 10 09:56:18 EDT 2003 | vickt

5 years ago (mostly likely 7-8 yrs). Most of these failures can be attributed to simple overtemp conditions or mechanical stress. Customers who do not keep the cooling fan filters clean on their machines tend to see a higher failure rate due to highe

Placement machine comparison

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 17 15:25:10 EDT 2002 | lysik

I would look at Universal for sure. They have a ton of late model Chip placer's and GSM's that they will discount heavy. There are so many used GSM's and HSP's on the market you could probably get what you need for a fraction of the cost. You could p

HSP Utilization

Electronics Forum | Fri May 16 13:30:10 EDT 2003 | T.Vick

Tom, You've recieved some good feedback so far... keep in mind that both models of machines you have utilize a 4x40 configuration. This allows for even greater flexibility if your jobs are small enough. We also offer Dual Track Feeders to shrink t

Pick and Place Machine Validation

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 16 22:45:29 EST 2005 | MG Cyr

Thanks for the positive feedback. In addition our standard manufacturing validation, all of our Platform SM products (GSM, Advantis, Genesis etc.)include "on-board" CPK validation and "self calibration". In addition we do have a global relationship w


universal instruments hsp 4797l including feeders!! searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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