Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 05 09:14:14 EST 2022 | peterm
Invoke. The PTF Setup Procedure dialog box displays. 4. Select Product. The Select Product File dialog box displays. 5. Select the same product used in the Open PTF Teach Product section above. 6. Enter the Slot number for the PTF and select Full
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 14 13:37:52 EST 2022 | assuredtech
What programming / communication software are you using? Does the machine have the J11 Controller? When changing the batteries you most likely lost the Executive file (machine configuration file), so you need to reset the controller and reload your E
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 11:00:31 EDT 2001 | ernman
We had a 4713C glue dispenser. We ended up going to screening the paste instead of using this machine which seemed to be very positive. We didn't have vision or cad data at the time and would have to constantly play with the x.y data. This machine is
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 21:56:41 EDT 2000 | Thomas Ravener
There are many available: Simplimatic Process Control Technology (PCT) JOT PMJ Bosch Dynapace Nutek Applied Conveyor Engineering (ACE) A wholly owned division of Universal Instruments and made for UIC integration of their products. This is just but
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 07:42:53 EDT 2012 | leemeyer
I just purchased a used Universal Instruments Boardflo conveyor model 5363. It looked like it would be perfect to connect 2 of my Quad 4c machines in line. it came with a SMPI to Smema converter box. I connected the box S1PL and S2PL to what I beleiv
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 07:53:28 EST 2018 | wolverine55
Hello All We have a Universal Model 6287A that is estimated to be about 25 years old. It has run fine for most of it's life but recently has stopped communicating with it's host computer, whenever any commands were attempted to be sent to the machine
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 27 12:00:54 EDT 2004 | pemnut
Looking in My book, it describes "E" in the last data field as follows. Load error. This function code is not programmed as part of a pattern step. The controller uses the E code as an error marker. While a pattern program is being loaded into memory
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 02 22:33:24 EDT 2007 | simsj
We've had some experience with Universal's machines as well. Aside from the mechanical problems you're experiencing, that level of control hardware is susceptible to power spikes/fluctuations. Save yourself some trouble later on and get a good UPS.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 23 18:31:31 EST 2006 | Chris
Mike, Have you contacted Universal Instruments yet? If not you should call them. If I am thinking of the same oven, this oven was manufactured by ETS (Energy Technology Systems) or http://www.energytechnologysystems.com. I take it you bought this
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 02 09:45:25 EDT 2014 | swag
Not sure what kind of humidifier you are looking at but here's my experience: We have 4 humidifiers. All are ultrasonic supplied with DI water. They work well but... UT humidifiers will create a foggy white residue that will stick to things in cl