Electronics Forum: universal instruments power supply (Page 1 of 4)

Universal instruments registration

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 19 12:27:09 EDT 2002 | jeffreybrown

I have read with interest this string of opinions about support of old machines. I am the service manager of Contact Systems and I deal with customer support every day. Our policy is to treat all owners of Contact machines in an evenhanded way. The w

Universal instruments corporation - TAB Bonder - Z Axis DAC limit error during Absolute command

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 01 17:56:10 EDT 2013 | swag

I'd take a look at the power supply for the failed axis and see if it's still working. I've also seen encoders fail on motors but it's rare in my experience. Usually it's a power issue.

Does anyone care if Americans supply equipment to our industry.

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 21 01:21:14 EST 2002 | jbutile

Is everyone happy with his or her Panasonic, Fuji and Siemens machines? Do you realize what you have done? I just wanted to thank everyone who bought an Omni A,B,C machine from Universal Instruments... At least you gave the Americans a chance. It

Does anyone care if Americans supply equipment to our industry.

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 27 13:35:42 EST 2002 | lysik

We do need to buy American. I only run Universal Instruments machines in my facility. Mind you the chip shooter is manufactured by Sanyo but the GSM machines are made in NY. I have purchased over 200 systems over the years while working for a major C

Universal instruments corporation - TAB Bonder - Z Axis DAC limit error during Absolute command

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 01 18:44:24 EDT 2013 | richardconnell

Hi, I have limited capability on the Z axis. The axis will home to the mechanical switch limit and then drop to a point which I asssume to be the fiorst zero point below the mechanical switch limit. Then it gives the error. There is power to the mo

Universal instruments corporation - TAB Bonder - Z Axis DAC limit error during Absolute command

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 30 16:36:00 EDT 2013 | richardconnell

I have a Universal Instruments Corporation TAB Bonder. Oldish machine. Initial fault on machine : - "Axis Head 1 Z DAC Limit error during move absolute command" Other fault seen after we reset power, Zeroed axis etc. - Axis Head 1 - Z error not re

Humidity control system

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 02 09:45:25 EDT 2014 | swag

Not sure what kind of humidifier you are looking at but here's my experience: We have 4 humidifiers. All are ultrasonic supplied with DI water. They work well but... UT humidifiers will create a foggy white residue that will stick to things in cl

Universal VCD Tooling

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 10:41:45 EST 2001 | Rob Fischer

Here are a couple: Universal Instruments uic.com EMC Global emcgti.com (my employer) Both companies have the ability to supply blanks or finished product.

GSM Feeder Power Supply

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 00:41:19 EST 2006 | bigdaddysoy9

Hello SMTnet, I would like to make a power supply for Universal multi pitch feeders so I can index them offline. How much voltage do I need to get to what pins of the connector? Thanks.

MPM UP100 vision fault

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 22 17:52:49 EST 2015 | wesleyintelli

Hi Deni, Thanks for your interest in my problem. It turned out that the power supply to the VGA vision board (the system in the black box)was faulty. I replaced it with a universal PC power supply and all is well.

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