Electronics Forum: universal smt machines not placing parts (Page 1 of 48)

universal genesis hsc

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 18 11:13:12 EDT 2004 | smt

I am in the process of evaluating some pick and place machines. Looking for feedback on Universal's new genesis HSC VS.HSP4797

IP3 head 1 not placing parts

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 22 06:06:54 EDT 2008 | stanyserrao

1CA64011 and 1CAFE011 UsedBy Display 1CA??011 Cause The Vision_type in part data is expressed using hexadecimal notation ("??"). If "??" equals 1E, 64, 78, 79, AC, or FE then boundary detection could not begin because the nozzle was bent.

IP3 head 1 not placing parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 04:45:13 EDT 2008 | stanyserrao

Head 1 is not placing the parts in production. Same component is placed by head 2. Head 1 camera is camera 12 type and head 2 camera is type 8. Machine re-set done resent proper data and interchanged cameara still same problem was foundd in head 1.

IP3 head 1 not placing parts

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 23:20:55 EST 2008 | stanyserrao

Light Units are replaced with new if the problem > of lights then it will not vision process the > nozzle center measrement and resolution Jigs > too.. > > Jig is meauring in trace mode and > identifiying all leads which are fine > fitch. > >

MyData DPak not placing

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 13:34:28 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils

Usually the reason it will fail a part like that when you are using mechanical centering is because the part is usually picked so off center because of the body shape. So when the centering jaws close to push the part to center they give up and fail

MyData DPak not placing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 26 11:20:33 EDT 2013 | gnus

Hi all, I'm having issues placing 7 pin DPak packages. I'm using mechanical centering with four centering phases (one for each orientation). Tool used is A24S. Machine picks up the part but will reject it when centering the part. I have measured all

MyData DPak not placing

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 09:43:31 EDT 2013 | cyber_wolf

First figure out which centering phase it is using when the part gets rejected. Then run the machine in step mode and watch whats going on.

Quad 4c not placing components

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 04 09:47:41 EDT 2019 | smrsteve

Hello All, I've just bought a Quad 4c pick & place machine. It's so close to actually building boards, but just doesn't quite get there. I was wondering if there's somebody out there with experience of these machines that might be able to help...?

Picking and placing coils with a universal In-Line 7

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 14:41:08 EST 2019 | jrogalski88

I am a fairly new technician with a rather large electronics assembly company. Its been an ongoing issue to pick and place small coils using our Universal SMT machines. Curious if any if the seasoned techs at smt.net have any recommendations as far a

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 10:56:41 EST 2002 | jax

Why are you unable to place this part with your Machine. Part to big? No pick up point( nozzle landing area )? No Feeder? Vision recognition? If we know why you can't place it, we might have a fix.

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