Electronics Forum: universal special insertion machine. (Page 1 of 10)

radial/thru_hole insertion

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 16 08:42:25 EDT 2007 | AR

Of course, if the number of required component codes ( = feeders) is not very great, you might want to look into odd-form assembly machines. With them you can insert a much greater range of components than just simple radial components and you can ge

radial/thru_hole insertion

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 13 09:38:05 EDT 2007 | slthomas

Do you already have machines or are you shopping? If you're shopping and looking at used machines from Universal, get AT LEAST a Radial Lead III and preferably a V or VIII. The Radial Lead II is well past it's prime, especially for someone that's jus

radial/thru_hole insertion

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 13 09:29:44 EDT 2007 | realchunks

Hi Long, Cmiller is right, check out the vendors and ask for lots of info, they'll flood you with it. You also mite ask to see their equipment working in a facility near you. Also check out IPC-A-610 and J-STD-001. Get to know the different termi

universal dual head (axial)

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 13 17:29:02 EDT 2007 | fnorradd

I am currently having a problem with uncut legs on one side of axial components from a universal dual head insertion machine. Initially it was thought that the anvil on one side was engaging slow so I stripped down and changed the seals in the botto

Automated through hole insertion

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 21 14:35:31 EDT 2020 | charliedci

Yes, we have an old Universal axial and they still offer independent machines for axial, radial and DIP components, but I do not have the floor space for that. Some offer "odd form" insertion machines (Juki, Hanwha, Cenncorp)which is the direction I

executive file universal DIP inserter

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 09 15:23:45 EDT 1998 | Claude Couture

I have trouble loading the executive file into a universal DIP inserter (model 6796 unimod). the start of the loading goes well, but stops at byte 5689. the "run" light stays off. Anybody who knows these machine will know what I'm talking about. I

universal through hole, about clinch

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 01 15:24:55 EDT 2014 | horchak

are you trying to lengthen or shorten the lead length? Lengthening the amount of lead being cut off and going into the scrap tube will shorten the lead length. Lead length is pretty much determined by the down stop setting on the insertion head, the

DIP insertion and Axial insertion old equipment poka yoke

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 23 17:24:08 EST 2020 | rvines1

Due to couple of customers who still have some products that are completely through-hole, we use our Universal DIP and Axial equipment on a somewhat regular basis. Our machines are pretty old, but they work pretty well, and we don't do enough throug

LED (Ligth Emitting Diode) auto insertion equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 11 08:08:43 EST 2003 | Chris

Use a Radial lead inserter. you will need 1 head for each different part number you have. the machine cannsert 2.5 $ 5.o mm lead components and 7.5 with special to0ling. For LED you want to use a Radial with the new dual spocket CTA (Component transf

Driver problems on DIP insertion machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 22 13:49:47 EDT 1999 | Claude Couture

The machine is a Universal 6796 DIP inserter. The driver card for the X axis burned a couple of resistors and a trace, probably a couple of power transistors too. I had a spare card and put it in. Now on powering-up the machine, the X-Y table move

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