Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 09:02:30 EST 2022 | peterm
You teach the corners of the component picked from the previous steps. Just select "PTF RR BTWN RAIL" slot 75 in "feeder teach" and it should move over to the belt.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 09:56:07 EST 2022 | peterm
Feeder Teach. Then it's the "Slot X,Y feeder teach" in the pulldown menu. That should be the default one, set feeder slot and the PTF as your feeder. If in doubt you can always make a back up in the feeder database as well. Probably a good idea eithe
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 01 14:48:48 EST 2022 | peterm
Hi, The detailed instructions should be in Voyager under PTF Installation. It's basically a kit where you pick up a metal plate and you teach that component on the belt directly. If you don't have access to the kit I'd just start of with the default
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 05 09:14:14 EST 2022 | peterm
Invoke. The PTF Setup Procedure dialog box displays. 4. Select Product. The Select Product File dialog box displays. 5. Select the same product used in the Open PTF Teach Product section above. 6. Enter the Slot number for the PTF and select Full
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 28 15:43:48 EDT 2016 | ddina
Recently started setting up our GSM 4681A system, and one of the machines comes up with the message "WAITING FOR OUTPUT BOARD TRANSFER TO COMPLETE" after the Zeroing process has been started. Machine has all the defaults set, two SMEMA connected univ
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 13:25:18 EST 2006 | SWAG
We have a heavy carrier that results in belts spinning out when our GSM attempts to transfer it to the centernest. Can the belt transfer speed be slowed down on GSM? How???
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 11 12:02:34 EST 2006 | SWAG
Got it - Thanks much Mika.
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 29 20:27:49 EDT 2013 | ericrr
HI all, does anybody have the conveyer (transfer) belt part for JUKI KE-750L, sorry to bug you, there are two types making six per machine from Eric
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 15 04:45:22 EDT 2013 | jandon
Cleaning and lubrication requires maintenance training. You can really break something if you don't know what you are doing. For example you can break your expensive rubber nozzles or cameras with inappropriate cleaning. Check: - Piping and joint -
Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 08:53:48 EDT 2007 | davem
I have been working with the UIC GSM platform for 6 years now in an EMS environment. Operating, programming, configuration, and line installation. I do not work for Universal or represent them in any way. UIC is a 1st rate company with excellent and