Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 27 16:42:29 EST 2023 | dilogic
We have odd problem with zeroing of UIC Advantis (4982B). It performs axis zeroing without complaining (all axes enabled at the end), but after final move of the head to the center of the machine, it hangs without any error message. Status isshowing
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 05 09:14:14 EST 2022 | peterm
Invoke. The PTF Setup Procedure dialog box displays. 4. Select Product. The Select Product File dialog box displays. 5. Select the same product used in the Open PTF Teach Product section above. 6. Enter the Slot number for the PTF and select Full
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 14 14:25:15 EST 2006 | geb
Hi, I have a 1995 Universal GSM which won't zero its axis, so can't run. It crashed last night after displaying a "swapper.dat" file being full. I have restarted and checked the available space on the hard-drive - it has over 50% freespace. After st
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 28 15:43:48 EDT 2016 | ddina
Recently started setting up our GSM 4681A system, and one of the machines comes up with the message "WAITING FOR OUTPUT BOARD TRANSFER TO COMPLETE" after the Zeroing process has been started. Machine has all the defaults set, two SMEMA connected univ
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 18 06:07:52 EDT 2022 | dilogic
Does motor start to move during zeroing at all?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 01 10:51:28 EDT 2004 | Mike Albert
Guys I've been following your threads for a bit here. I have to say that the Universal machine is as robust and probably better than the Fuji. I too have been in this business for about 20 years and have had considerable experience on both. The pla
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 17 18:22:06 EDT 2020 | astarotf
Hello We have a GSM machine with two heads from the universal company, currently the machine fails to zero and in production mode, when the heads increase the displacement speed in the Y axis, they stop immediately. And the error illustrated in the i
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 03 08:25:30 EDT 2010 | remullis
I removed the muffler yesterday and still had the latch releasing issue, the latch was tight, however the table had some play in it. I adjusted the play out of the table, setup table zero and it fixed the problem. Same symptom as if the latch were lo
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 21 10:52:40 EDT 2012 | swag
We have 2 lightning head machines. We have a very clean, dry air supply. We have had zero spindle problems in 3 yrs.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 14:04:11 EDT 2013 | dilogic
Are you trying to bring up to life an old machine or the problem just started to appear? There might be several causes for this problem. As a quick fix, you can change in th settings logic polarity of that signal, so it will be OK when actually not.