Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 24 13:08:09 EDT 2023 | madisreivik
All is OK now. The machine was offline couple months and probably some memory battery is dead. All problems were solved after uploading prop data to IP and MTU.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 21 06:10:36 EDT 2023 | madisreivik
Thanks ! I totally forgot that MTU had its own prop file, uploaded it from Flexa and now works fine.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 11:24:56 EDT 2018 | davef
pdf "BGA Stencil design guideline for avoid bridge" As you would expect, Google found 40,000+ results in less than a second One of my favorites was Power Point Presentation by Greg Smith [gsmithATfctassembly.com] at FCT Assembly: "Improve SMT Assem
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 30 16:53:36 EDT 2021 | jscinta
yes we got it. we can upload our MY data files and others that we have.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 11:08:27 EDT 2012 | bobpan
1281x1281 is probably your total quad align window. Which usually means your scanning under the part. Try to scan more towards the top....instead of 20 try 5. It could be the nozzle is not seating on good or the spring on the z-rod is weak and when t
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 12 09:23:52 EDT 2013 | bobpan
If you edit the sequence on the hht.....to fix your problems...you then have to upload the data to central controller. If you are not doing this....you are overwriting the data on the machine with bad data everytime you download to the machine. The l
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 12 09:24:47 EDT 2013 | bobpan
If you edit the sequence on the hht.....to fix your problems...you then have to upload the data to central controller. If you are not doing this....you are overwriting the data on the machine with bad data everytime you download to the machine. The l
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 21 13:49:07 EDT 2004 | JDumont
Hello all, I am looking for, or wondering if there is such a thing, a tracking system so that when an operator gets a job they scan it in with a bar code and that data is uploaded to the network so I can see from my office where any job is at a given
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 04:54:57 EST 2001 | mattias
Here�s my opinion PanaPro (Panasonic): good balancing/optimization, very easy to setup and use, quick good results, not so good support for third party machines(optimization), Timestamps for balancing/optimization is quite accurate. Cad-conversion?
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 12:14:37 EST 2012 | dhopps
If you go with MCS I would recommend using an MCS30. You would have to make sure that the E-Proms for host communication are installed in the MCS and the host module (software)as well. You would then need CadConvert to program and transfer programs