Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 14 13:36:37 EDT 1999 | Brian W.
I forgot to mention nitrogen usage. Check if the usage of notrogen is different in your ovens compared to theirs. Brian
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 08 04:58:07 EST 1999 | Scott B
Can anyone direct me to any literature (preferably on-line) relating to current SMT packaging usage worldwide and any trends therein. Thanks... Scott
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 08 10:58:31 EST 1999 | Dave F
| Can anyone direct me to any literature (preferably on-line) relating to current SMT packaging usage worldwide and any trends therein. Thanks... Scott | Scott: Check "SMT" Magazine November 1998, page 92. TTYL Dave F
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 17 11:53:27 EST 2021 | dontfeedphils
Yea, in past lives I'd line up as many reels of the high usage parts as possible for gang picking, but now that I'm on ASM it just wants a single reel of each part and it chews through that.
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 16 15:40:32 EDT 1998 | smd
2,000/year usage on reels.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 16:29:59 EST 2006 | qualityengineer
DPMO or DPM based data usage also of interest.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 11 08:55:21 EST 2006 | jdengler
See http://leadfree.ipc.org/RoHS_3-2-1.asp Jerry
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 15 08:14:58 EST 2006 | billyd
Dude - that was exactly what I was looking for!! Thanks much!
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 10 22:35:44 EST 2007 | realchunks
Well now.......there you have it.