Electronics Forum: use 0402 fuji feeder for 0201 (Page 1 of 9)


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 09:10:51 EST 2008 | mulder0990

AJ, You can use 0402 feeders to place the 0201 parts. I would suggest getting the feeders you are going to use calibrated before trying to run the parts. Also, another good idea is to get some 0.4mm tape leaf covers for the feeders. They will h


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 08:23:51 EST 2008 | aj

All, I understand that there is a requirement to upgrade the narrow view camera on the Fuji CP642 to place 0201 components - is this necessary ? Also, 1 - What tape package to they come in ? Can you use 0402 feeders? aj...


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 10:46:04 EST 2008 | mulder0990

Yes, we have. We do have one machine that can place the 0201 parts. I have bought some 0.4mm tape leaf covers and replaced the 0.7mm covers on some CP6 0802 feeders. I calibrate the feeders as tight as I can and make sure the feeders that we use a


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 12:51:42 EST 2008 | fastek

Logan- That's good to know as I've wondered what makes the 0201 feeder from Fuji so different $$$ from an 0402 feeder? In that they are both 8 x 2mm feeders is it simply a different tape leaf that is the difference? And is the high price compared to


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 10:27:03 EST 2008 | fastek

Well I've heard you must get the 0201, 0.4mm tape feeder to place an 0201 component as the 0402 feeder won't do it. They ain't cheap @ $1,000 each from Fuji roughly. Also you will need to get 0.4mm nozzles on your machine. Have you actually done thi

0201 Placement

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 22:45:58 EDT 2004 | alwil

I want to find out if we can place 0201 components using a Fuji CP6-E 4000. If this is possible, do we require any upgrades to the machine. Is anyone doing this at present with this type of CP6. If so, what size of nozzle and feeder type is being use

0201 feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 11:27:40 EDT 2006 | bobpan

no...there is no retrofit kit.....but if you find some good feeders....tear into them.....make sure everything is tight....about half the time you can make the feeder work ok. Also it doesnt hurt to use only one xf nozzle in the program so that only

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 07:58:35 EDT 2016 | cyber_wolf

Not sure what you mean. 0201's and 0402's are both on 8mm feeders. Juki's will do simultaneous picks an all 8mm feeders no matter the component size. Your feeders need to be maintenanced and calibrated to reliably pick 0402's and 0201's. I hav

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 08:27:38 EDT 2016 | kahrpr

We have Samsung and havehad no problems with simultaneous pick ups with 201s 0r 402s. the feeders are durable and do not need much repair especially the sm feeders. The SME feeders have not been out as long so we will see so far so good. As with all

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 01:50:44 EDT 2016 | darby

Dear Forumites, It's been a while, but I have a question. I was recently asked to provide a scenario on capacity if we retired two older lines and replaced with a new line. My capacity figures were based on real time production over a period of six

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