Electronics Forum: used machine (Page 1 of 658)

Advice on used pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 10 15:14:43 EDT 2006 | mfoster

Hi Phil, Most parts are still available for the Quad/Samsung QSA-30, through Dynatech (in North America). It is actually a single gantry, 3 spindle machine with rated speed of 14,000 cph. As with any used machine, it could be a great deal or a not

Advice on used pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 18:40:43 EDT 2006 | darby

Seeing you are already using Quad; I'd look at a Samsung CP-45V. I believe your feeders will be compatible but please cheeck to make sure! These are a six head, on the fly machine that will do just about anything you want apart from gripper applicat

Advice on used pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 07:50:22 EDT 2006 | quad

We currently run two Quad IVC's (we are very pleased with them) and two Versatronics for simple small volume batch work. We now need an additional machine capable of placing components at least three times as quickly as a IVC. We don't do anything ve

Advice on used pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 13:36:30 EDT 2006 | ppminc

Phil, The QSA-30 was built by Sam Sung, Sold by Quad. Single Head 2 Nozzles around 11K CPH Quad does not support the machine but I believe you can get parts direct from Sam Sung. I am not sure if they have a registration fee. The QSA used Quad made

how to avoid risk when buy used machine outisie your country?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 06:01:45 EDT 2012 | smtequips

hello everybody have you ever expericenced the risk when buy used smt machine from outside your country? Have you ever got the machine whose performance or function are not same as the descripted before?or you just got the scraps? Or you

Has anyone used PACE BGA rework machine IR3000

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 18:14:59 EDT 2011 | hegemon

Finetech wopuld be a great machine for this application due to the small component size. Great optics for the alignment. I have no affiliation with Finetech. 'Hege

Has anyone used PACE BGA rework machine IR3000

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 12:31:01 EDT 2011 | smtlogics

I am evaluating PACE IR300 rework system for micro BGA having size .85mm x 1.35mm. Is anyone out there has any experience of reworking this package size BGAs. Your comments will be appreciated.

buying guide for used double wave solder and ICT machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 31 20:49:11 EST 2004 | marcowong

We are trying to buy used double wave solder and ICT machine and we need some advice on selecting the machine and things to be cautious with. It will be greatly appreciated if someone can offer us good suggestions that will help us to minimise mist

buying guide for used double wave solder and ICT machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 31 21:27:00 EST 2004 | marcowong

Dear Darren, Please provide more information of your machine, selling price and where it is at the moment. If it is not in Penang malaysia, please also let us know the transportation cost too. Thank you.

buying guide for used double wave solder and ICT machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 08:44:58 EST 2004 | pjc

Be smart, be skeptical and be educated on the machines you are looking at. If you are going to do business with someone you don�t know, check them out. Ask others in your region and get at least ten customer references from them.

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