Electronics Forum: used nitrogen generator (Page 1 of 95)

nitrogen oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 28 14:57:56 EST 2004 | patrickbruneel

Dave Good luck with the root canal I just hope you are using Nitrous oxide instead of nitrogen.

Replacement for nitrogen in the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 20:38:40 EDT 2004 | Grant Petty

Hi, This would be a very exciting idea. Nitrogen is an inert gas, so this is why it's used, however Hydrogen mixed with oxygen in normal air is highly explosive, so it would be one of the worst gasses to use in a reflow oven I would think. Remember

Replacement for nitrogen in the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 06:00:23 EDT 2004 | johnwnz

call me picky but doesn't hydrogen combust? maybe soemthing you could do is look at your process and your products and decide if you actually need to run in N2. Yes ok I can hear the crys now but seriously, for the vast majority of things if you have

full nitrogen tunnel

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 24 17:48:28 EST 2018 | ranap121212

Hello Could I ask for advice? We have new machines with a full nitrogen tunnel. Type of soldering nozzle: worthmann 5 rows and next nozzle (in this same machine) worthmann 7 rows. One person in my organization claims that the delta nozzle is not wor

Soldering under nitrogen atmosphere

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 16 13:53:52 EDT 2022 | yannick_herzog

Hello all, we use a reflow oven from Rehm in our SMT production. At the moment we solder under nitrogen atmosphere (approx. 500ppm). Now we want to reduce the nitrogen consumption (costs etc.). What consequences can occur here? Especially on the s

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 22 13:01:14 EST 2015 | dyoungquist

We are using a nitrogen generator (with a N2 storage tank) that feeds 1 selective solder machine. I do not know which type of generator it is. The N2 generator has an oxygen analyzer on it. The selective solder manufacturer recommends a N2 purity

Fitting nitrogen to Omniflow 7

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 07 22:29:04 EST 2004 | fastek

Unless you can find a situation like Glenn's it would probably be cheaper to buy another oven already nitrogen equipped. $15,000-$20,000 buys them all day used.

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 22 10:21:46 EST 2015 | charliedci

I am curious to know how others are providing N2 for their lead free selective soldering process. If you are utilizing a nitrogen generator, is it a PSA type or Membrane type? I am trying to get a handle on nitrogen purity and what purity is necessar

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 10:31:01 EST 2015 | rgduval

What are the continuing costs on the N2 generator? Is there replaceable media that needs to be monitored/replaced at regular intervals to maintain N2 generation? We're currently using tank-supplied N2, but are just getting ready to fire up our sele

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 16:11:38 EST 2015 | rgduval

Charlie, For the 300 cylinder (the largest Airgas sells), it's going to cost about $66/cylinder for the gas (plus delivery charges). They also charge a $99/year lease for the cylinder. Based on those costs, and a low-end N2 generator system that I

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