Electronics Forum: used reflow ovens (Page 1 of 649)

Good Profiler for reflow ovens

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 11:20:09 EDT 2004 | soease

Hi, to profile any type of temperature process, you should try ECD products. I'm used to work with their tool called Super M.O.L.E. Gold, wich is a data logger for six thermocouples that you can run through a reflow oven, for example, and then you c

Electrovert Omniflo 7 reflow ovens

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 30 13:22:47 EDT 2001 | arzu

180deg More important are the preheat and soakzones and temp ramps. How to check: I used to do it as follows: use a TEST-PCB with fixed thermocouples and connect it to the mole. Print the profile on transparant paper. do it again e.g. each week and

Good Profiler for reflow ovens

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 08:32:20 EDT 2004 | Santech

If anyone is interested, I have a brand new Super M.O.L.E. Thinline that I am looking to sell. It includes the case and all the software and hardware originally with. It has been used 1 time. Brian 336-337-0333

Checking your reflow ovens ?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 10:18:56 EDT 2007 | lococost

We used to do this, but we dont any more. Never found something with the Mole. We have had 2 blowers come to a halt due to stuck bearings, but that was easely spotted without a check. (Temperature alarm and Huge whining noise)

Good Profiler for reflow ovens

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 14 20:40:20 EDT 2004 | Grant

Hi, We are currently using the profiler built into our Soltec oven, but are looking for something better and does anyone have any ideas. We want to be able to quickly analyze the profile against solder paste and component profiles so we can quickly

Checking your reflow ovens ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 08 09:48:22 EDT 2007 | slthomas

I used to just follow up profile development with a single pass with a MOLE, one thermocouple in air. I'd keep that profile as a baseline, and have the operators run the MOLE through prior to production and compare the results to the baseline. I foun

Electrovert Omniflo 7 reflow ovens

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 30 11:59:00 EDT 2001 | Spanky

Hey all, I have 3 questions about reflow. Hopefully someone can help me. 1. I am having a problem. I set the peak at 230 and my mole thermocouples are telling me the temp in that zone gets to 237. How is this possible even if the thermocouple

Re: convection batch ovens

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 09:28:24 EST 1998 | Dave F

| Hi, | I'm looking for a small batch convection oven that will replace the dryer section of a batch ultrasonic cleaning machine to dry off excessive water from washed PCB's, | any suggestions for particular suppliers, will be appreciated. | Jack |

RoHS reflow ovens need more zones????

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 06 17:36:39 EST 2006 | russ

G, it is called, "I just went to a sales seminar on pbfree" Show them your profile and call them to the table. Make them tell you specifically what is wrong with your profiles. and even better yet make them explain to you why the extra zones are

Limitations of top side only reflow ovens

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 04 21:27:16 EDT 2010 | deanm

We have a 4 zone Quad ZCR 531B reflow oven with top side heaters only and a mesh belt. Our boards are 2-6 layer, range in size from 2x2 to 7x15, 0402 to D2PAK. What are the limitations/drawbacks of having top side only heat, especially since about ha

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