Electronics Forum: using sticks for surface mount (Page 1 of 7)

Heatsinks for surface mount devices

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 04:05:04 EDT 1999 | Charles Stringer

Can anyone steer me towards a supplier of heatsinks suitable for use on a PQFP 160. Before you shoot me down in flames, I know that I am not going to get much heat away from the die because of the plastic but the application is such that the board te

Re: Heatsinks for surface mount devices

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 10:17:54 EDT 1999 | john thorup

| Can anyone steer me towards a supplier of heatsinks suitable for use on a PQFP 160. Before you shoot me down in flames, I know that I am not going to get much heat away from the die because of the plastic but the application is such that the board

Re: Heatsinks for surface mount devices - adhesive alternative!

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 17:17:21 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | Can anyone steer me towards a supplier of heatsinks suitable for use on a PQFP 160. Before you shoot me down in flames, I know that I am not going to get much heat away from the die because of the plastic but the application is such that the boar

Re: Heatsinks for surface mount devices - adhesive alternative!

Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 10:56:12 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | | Can anyone steer me towards a supplier of heatsinks suitable for use on a PQFP 160. Before you shoot me down in flames, I know that I am not going to get much heat away from the die because of the plastic but the application is such that the bo

Surface mount Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 24 14:18:24 EST 2005 | pjc

Just stick to the facts. People�s opinions vary. Be careful that someone may be commenting on a machine that�s three years old. A lot can change in three years. Too many people use emotion in their decision making process, which often means price. Al

Cu% spec for lead free HASL surface finish

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 28 22:33:24 EST 2007 | davef

There is no specification for lead-free HASL. You can use any lead-free solderability protection that meets your customer requirements. Use IPC-9701 �Performance Test Methods and Qualification Requirements for Surface Mount Solder Attachments� to ass

DFM for Wave

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 10 20:59:14 EDT 2006 | davef

Dave Try: * IPC-2221 - Generic Standard On Printed Board Design * IPC-2222 - Sectional Design Standard For Printed Board For Organic Printed Boards Our old [euphemistically] friend Earl Moon has written extensively on DFM. Look at his site: http://

Microscope for Electronic Repair

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 18 05:34:26 EDT 2022 | 2219576

Whether you're inspecting PCBs or soldering surface mount components, you'll need a good microscope to use your talents best. Fortunately, there's a microscope to suit any budget. Here are the most important qualities to consider when looking for a

Jig for PCB

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 03:10:30 EDT 2006 | Slaine

I solder a lot of differnt products throught a Reflow oven that are non PCB baised Axial leaded components typicaly, mounted vertically in jigs. where i can for cost reasons I use aluminium jigs but you have to experiment with the thermal mass and de

Books for SMT

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 20:34:17 EST 2007 | davef

DAVE�S BOOKSHELF ASSEMBLER�S ESSENTIALS Title: Soldering in ElectronicsAuthor: RJ Klein WassinkPublisher: Electrochemical PublicationsISBN: 090115024XPublication date: December 1989 I know, I know. The book was written in 1989!!!! I use this b

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